Christian Apologists - Please Watch This and Tell Us Why it is wrong?

by cantleave 834 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • cofty

    Hi Sab, still exploring I see.

  • tec

    I really do think the sun is our creator

    But the sun is finite. Had a beginning, will have an end... and there are many other suns in the universe.



  • still thinking
    still thinking

    I'm off to get breast implants so I can look like the goddess venus....hail venus...oldest God/ess

    If Christ is the sun sab...we have the same problem as the was the sun on earth and in the sky at the same time. Why wasn't earth dark when Jesus was with us? did go dark for a little while didn't it? Just after Jesus died....maybe Christ came to get him....hmmmmm

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    ssshhhh tec...we're on a roll. No need for common sense here...LOL

  • sizemik
    so..if things get changed over time isn't it possible that Jesus was just another change....possibly an incorrect one? . . . still thinking


    That deserves a chicken dinner.

  • still thinking
    still thinking


  • sabastious
    Hi Sab, still exploring I see.

    I have become accustomed to the wilderness.


  • tec

    Nothing wrong with e x ploring.



  • still thinking
    still thinking
    and there are many other suns in the universe

    more god/ess for us to worship...YAY!!!

  • sabastious
    But the sun is finite. Had a beginning, will have an end... and there are many other suns in the universe.

    Electromagnetic radiation will never cease to exist. I think Christ/YHWH is energy so even if the sun burnt out energy would still exist and therefore so would Christ. I don't think God dies when the sun burns out, but every physical body has a lifespan, even the sun. However, for all human intents and purposes, the sun is forever. Not technically, but we cross the sun burning out bridge when we come to it. So far there is no power connected to humanity that is stronger than the sun, so therefore it's God. It's the cause of ALL life when you really break it down.

    The sun is the All Seeing Eye.

    Imagery of an all-seeing eye can be traced back to Egyptian mythology and the Eye of Horus. It also appears in Buddhism, where Buddha is also regularly referred to as the "Eye of the World" throughout Buddhist scriptures (e.g. Mahaparinibbana Sutta). It is also used to depict the image of God in Caodaism .


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