Known Pedophile takes young boy to bathroom at circuit assembly....WTF?

by QuestioningEverything 54 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • zeb

    You wouldnt think a pedophile would be that brazen ? A social worker colleague has told me of witnessing the abuse of a child ina room full of adults.

    Of course they will do it because the world is full of little lambs who have been conditioned to not speak up nor act..

    'Lets hope he was thinking of the bros talk..' who the pedophile or the person who witnessed the situation.

  • Aussie Oz
    Aussie Oz

    Pray to Jehovah?

    WTF? The MIL's attitude is sick, sorry. And so are all the others, guilty as accomplices.

    Why not stand up and scream PEDOPHILE?

    I wanna puke.


  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing

  • QuestioningEverything

    "QE, so is this 'James' guy reinstated?"

    Yes, he has been reinstated for a few years now.

  • nugget

    If he were truly repentant then he would not do anything to tempt himself or cause concern in others. The fact that someone felt enough concern to spot what was going on and stay in their seat praying shows that he has behaved inappropriately. He should have the common sense to restrict his contact with children and certainly go nowhere with a child on his own. Just shows that god had no part in the process.

    Seriously if you have the ability to help a child then it is beholden on you to do so.

  • Pistoff

    A textbook example of the danger to kids from the WT's handling of child sexual abuse.

    When it is handled 'in house', the congregation is not informed. Sure there is gossip, but that is all it is.

    The WT, elders included, do not understand the nature of sexual predators.

    This happened because 'James' was never reported to the POLICE.

  • BluesBrother

    Since your MIL is 80ish...I would give her some slack. It is hard for an old lady to know the best thing to do.

    I can only say what I think ...if the man was ever convicted by the law, I would report it in the hope that he is still being monitored. If not, contact his cong. elders and see if they satisfy you with their response . Make an effort to try and find and contact the family???

  • mP

    Given we must follow Gods laws above those of man, and given that the Bible does not ban pedophilia, its pretty obvious why the JW have never taken any stance against pedophilia.

  • jemba

    Yes the MIL did the typical Witness thing and didnt cause waves. Let Jeh and the elders take care of it, yeah like they always have.... not! At least write to the BOE anon and pretend to have seen this first-hand and state your concern. The worst case scenario is that MIL got it wrong. Yes if you can I would def let the study know, even if by letter.

  • irondork

    There's nothing to worry about here. The man's field service hours exceed the national average, indicating his spiritual wellbeing. If he was still struggling with pedophilia he never would have placed all those magazines.

    All of Christ's possessions are in the capable hands of the faithful slave now, so relaaaax!

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