Dan Savage talks about the bible and Christian students flee

by Terry 319 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • botchtowersociety

    I think he is a hateful person. He acts the way a hateful person acts. Why do you want to silence my criticism?

  • Knowsnothing

    Billy, I think what Botch is arguing is that it was the way it was delivered. He agrees with you that anti-gay sentiment, i.e. bullying, name-calling, killing is wrong.

    The problem is when Savage then turns around and uses the same tactics to get his point across. He then indulges in name-calling himself, and that is hypocritical.

    For the record, I don't think anyone here is arguing he doesn't deserve to voice this problem. If he can polish up his presentation, now we are talking.

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    I think he is a hateful person. Why do you want to silence my criticism?

    You hate him. I understand that now.

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    marking...interesting seeing the different points of view on here. I cannot comment since I have no sound on my computer at the moment so can't watch the video. But I am learning a lot from the opinions expressed about it.

    I am of two minds about the language...sometimes I think it is justified...and sometimes I think it shows lack of education.

    But as for bible criticism....I agree with tal..new chapter...billy etc. You cannot criticise the idea in the bible without christians taking offense. I speak from personal experience. I used to feel offended when people did that...now I have learned to seperate the book from myself and know that what is said about it is unrelated to who I am.

  • Berengaria
    Uhhhhhh no. Actually he was talking about Republicans in Congress.
    Even if what you say is true, how is that supposed to make it any better? Seriously?

    Who said anything about it being better? I'm simply correcting your inaccuracy.

  • botchtowersociety
    Who said anything about it being better? I'm simply correcting your inaccuracy.

    So you agree the statement is hateful and out of line?

  • Berengaria

    NC hit the nail on the head. Why is it that the oppressed/mistreated/bullied................are expected to behave so much better than the oppressors, mistreaters and bullies?

    But when people use these words when trying to make a point, it's charged emotionally and I usually tune it out.

    Why would you tune out something that is emotionally charged? Particularly on a subject that people have lived in misery, even died, over?

  • BizzyBee

    Just watched the video. Does anyone know if there has been a coherent response to the substance of what Savage said? Because I think his point is well-taken.

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    Billy, I think what Botch is arguing is that it was the way it was delivered.

    Sorry, I still see that BTS is offended by the message and uses the messenger as an excuse to condemn both.

    If he can polish up his presentation, now we are talking.

    When the presentation is polished, the message usually gets ignored. There are plenty of "voices of reason" out there that get ignored in favor of more extreme voices.

    Savage visited the campus here recently and it was a big deal. Now seeing BTS's reaction on this thread... is very revealing.

  • NewChapter

    I think he made fabulous points and all this outrage over the word bullshit is just a distraction. He called out the hate in the bible, and that pissed them off. Oh well. They are no longer able to oppress freely and use their bible as an authority, cuz the bible has been challenged. *gasp*


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