LOL, if they were JW's they would get an assembly part! I bet they all get a shout out at their churches. So brave. So principled. So faithful. We're so proud that they didn't sit and listen to the bullshit against slavery, stoning non-virgins, violence against homosexuals. Our young people really have their heads on straight. *sniff* True Chrisitan soldiers.
Dan Savage talks about the bible and Christian students flee
by Terry 319 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Billy the Ex-Bethelite
"Big toot over nothing here."
So, the issue of gay teen suicide is 'nothing'?
Savage gets stamped with this--"He is working to further his personal agenda, and to garner funds in the process." This is the same thing that civil rights activists like MLK had to hear. Discredit the messager, ignore the message. His "personal agenda" has helped to generate much support for the LGBT community. The problem remains that for gay teens, too often they're bullied right within their own churches, schools, and families. As of last month, there are still suicides because of this issue. But it's a new month today. It will all go away now, right?
I would walk out if Nugent got up to speak or worse, sing.
Now, now - NewChapter - what could you possibly have against crazy old uncle Teddy?
Did not say teen suicide was nothing, Billy.
Said that people walking out of this little rant was nothing.
And, this rant by Savage will have nothing to do to stop teen suicide (for whatever reason).
Now, now - NewChapter - what could you possibly have against crazy old uncle Teddy?
It goes deep James, oh so very deep. Here, may I lie on this couch? It all started as a teenager in the 80's. I was obliged, for fear of being ostracized, to bop my head and shout out "YEAH" when creepy Ted came on the airwaves. Yes, I was supposed to state loudly that it was cool to watch him swing from a rope like an ape man. And what about that slick move where he switches mics AND SINGS FROM A DIFFERENT ONE THAT HE STARTED AT? yeah, freaking genius. and then I was obliged to swoon at Bill, cuz he looked just like Nugent and knew it, and I'm still in therapy over that.
And what does he offer by way of healing????? He plays Cat Scratch Fever as a duet with.....ogodno.....HUCKABEE on FOX NEWS! Clearly this man has hated me since my inception and is out to destroy all that is right in my liberal world. May I have my pills now?
For those of you who are free from the nightmares, this should remedy THAT!
I am so sorry, NewChapter. That must have been nearly as bad as being waterboarded.
Do you also hate the 1990-1995 ZR-1 Corvette? Ted had three of them and I owned one of the last 1995s made...
But I very seldom shoot machine guns in my back yard any more.
I was encouraged by this video. Not so much its content as the apparent number of people who stayed to listen and who expressed support. You can only tell from the sounds in the background that there was still a sizable crowd of people remaining in their seats. This was my first introduction to Mr. Savage. He comes across as a coarse Sam Harris clone and in fact uses one of Sam Harris' famous examples of biblical sexual repression and associated misogyny with only a halfassed acknowledgement of where he got it from, as if presenting it as his own thought. He has potential, but he's a lightweight spokesperson for atheism. But back to the crowd. In a country (to paraphrase Mr. Harris, who is not a lightweight) in which the vast majority of people believe in God and where the true non-believer is in the margins of society, is it not remarkable that so many people stayed? Almost as if the USA is finally waking up.
The Anthony Bourdain episode where he visited his Michigan ranch was great.
Do you also hate the 1990-1995 ZR-1 Corvette?
I am absolutely neutral on this issue. I couldn't even identify one if it was parked in my living room. I have a special fondness for the '76 capris classic cuz that was my first car and lot's of band equipment fit in the trunk, and many band members in the seats. But they all knew that if they covered even one Nugent song, I was leaving them at the bar. So we had an understanding.