You're really are going to equate Dan Savage with this type of stuff?
Absolutely. Hate is hate. Savage is the homosexual liberal version of a Westboro congregation member. As I've said, he is a gay Rick Santorum.
by Terry 319 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
You're really are going to equate Dan Savage with this type of stuff?
Absolutely. Hate is hate. Savage is the homosexual liberal version of a Westboro congregation member. As I've said, he is a gay Rick Santorum.
So when did Savage say that heterosexuals were the reason for soldiers dying?
So when did Savage say that heterosexuals were the reason for soldiers dying?
So when did Phelps say that all Republicans should f***king die? Or that a candidate and those who vote for him should be dragged behind a truck until nothing is left but rope? Or when did he infiltrate a political event to drool virus filled saliva over coffee cups and doorknobs?
That is not the point.
Degree matters and these are false equivalencies. Savage attacked ideas. Journalists will be offering ideas for full criticism. These kids have no problem clinging to their bible, reading about women being sold to their rapists, genocide, stoning homosexuals, adulterers, women who aren't virgins etc, but will bust out crying when someone calls that bullshit. Okayeeeeeee. They are delicate little flowers I suppose. More likely is that their parents and church have taught them that any criticism of their beliefs is persecution and so they react accordingly.
Savage attacked ideas.
Savage attacked people, too. And you can attack an idea with some integrity, of which he showed none.
They are delicate little flowers I suppose. More likely is that their parents and church have taught them that any criticism of their beliefs is persecution and so they react accordingly.
Whatever, NewChapter, but if someone goes to your schoolkids and engages in this sort of hate speech over a matter you do NOT agree with as a parent, you will have something to say about it, I am sure.
So when did Phelps say that all Republicans should f***king die?
Phelps recruits children to stand on flags at the funerals of soldiers to hold signs saying things like "Aids cures fags". Savage retracted his comments about about republicans. Has Phelps retracted his death wish on all of America?
That is not the point.
Right. Let's get back to the point that Savage shouldn't condemn the Bible's pro-slavery laws.
OK. Savage did nothing wrong. It is all the kids' fault.
Well now you're getting it!!
Didn't I tell you about the time my Grandmother and I were sitting in the car waiting for my mother, and a Hari Krishna stuck a pamphlet through the window at me? I was like 8, I took it. She whirled around and snatched it out of my hand like it was on fire. Or when my mother did the same thing when I was foolish enough to pick up a paperback copy of "The Exorcist" that was on the counter?
I'm sure the little darlings are familiar with the human body, and bloody gory death. What exactly was so offensive?
Right. Let's get back to the point that Savage shouldn't condemn the Bible's pro-slavery laws.
This thread is at a point where my statements are being continually misrepresented. Actually, it was probably a waste of time when the name calling started on page 1 or 2.
I think this thread has run its course.
Have fun.
I see. Soooo if I say that Hitler's policies were BULLSHIT, I should be acting with more integrity. Uhm, Hitler's ideas were misguided. They caused pain and suffering. He really shouldn't have done that. I wouldn't want to offend you know.
Or maybe it is okay for me to call Hitler's genocide bullshit, but it just isn't okay for me to call biblical genocide BULLSHIT.
I'm having a hard time grasping the rules. I think it is completely proper to call Hitler's policies, and the Bible's policies BULLSHIT. And if that offends white supremists or believers then so be it.
oh, your offended when someone calls out the bible for its direct contribution to the killing and beating of gay people? good! walk the fuck out!
stand up, and show everyone that you are a bigot so they can make a mental note of it. fuck yall.go live in uganda.
im so tired of this anti gay bull shit. if you want to be barbarians who use a barbaric holy book to justify your hatred of a group of people, then so be it. we will call you on it, embarass you, and most of all, humilate your children, who will look upon you with shame years from now, and be embarassed at your view of gay people.