Is it ever the correct decision to take someone's life as a result of them breaking a law? It's an age old question and I am a very strong proponent of the death penalty
Okay, so you've side stepped a bit by broadening the issue to capital punishment. We don't stone adulterers or women who lie about their virginity. But conveniently, you see this as an issue of capital punishment. Oh, and we don't stone people for working on the sabbath---but again---silly me, I miss the point. This is about capital punishment (although I think if you asked a young woman who was scared by a woman-hating culture to lie about her virginity may answer differently. Afterall, there was no such test for men coming out of this wise book).
soooooo---If I understand correctly, the US is the only western country that still practices the death penalty. So one could also argue, that THIS practice is also being disposed of. What then?