Sab: The Phoenix Lights are supernatural because we have VIDEO of it and can test it (unlike the fairy story) and still cannot find a suitable explanation.
How can you test it via video?
This is an important fact: given all of the science of today we STILL cannot even begin to explain all the factors of the ship above Phoenix.
We have aircraft, manned and unmanned, government and private, those that can levitate and those that cannot. That should be a starting point for inquisition.
It's not a stetch to call it supernatural.
It absolutely is a stretch. The link I posted to an old thread was an example of how easily our perceptions are tricked. Unexplained isn't supernatural.
There is nothing in the known world that can be the size of a football field, fly above Phoenix effortlessly and make absolutely no sound in the process.
Can you eliminate all other possible aircraft in the world for which the general public has no knowledge? How exactly was it determined to be the size of a football field?
Can you give me some explanations? Or are you going to continue to poo poo it?
I'm not saying people saw something they couldn't explain. But neither would I call it supernatural. Did you watch the video at the thread link I posted?