New York City is on my list of places that I want to live in.
What is your favorite Restaurant in New York City?
by Iamallcool 44 Replies latest jw friends
darth frosty
I used to love going to juniors in broklyn when I was at bethel. Anytime guest came (and were kind enough to treat a poor lil bethelite) Juniors was the spot for ribs and cheesecake.
It's too expensive. Af for restaurants.... my opinion is that you would want to be in a very culturally diverse areas in either Brooklyn or Queens. Certain neighborhoods give you everything from Afghani to Yemeni and everything in between. I don't know about favorites but I like Parkside in Corona,'s very good, real noce for a date. I also like Limoncellos in ELmhurst Queens- an Italian Cuisine restaurant so good you would think that the kitchen was full of Italians and not hispanics. Airwan thai restaurant in Bayside can't be beat. The chocolate room in Park slope Brooklyn is dope. Sahara in sheepshea (?) BK is a cool turkinsh restaurant for nice time with the fam. Sylvia's in Harlem. The food cart in Midtown 53rd and 6th. Yeah New York is cool!
Has anybody ever been to Tavern on the Green? (before it closed)
As soon as I try them all, I will let you know my favorite haha. There are SO many to choose from. One thing about NYC, there is no lack of really good food.
@James: I did. First with a Bethelite for brunch. A few years later for supper. Old school in a whimsical sort of way.
@James: I did. First with a Bethelite for brunch. A few years later for supper. Old school in a whimsical sort of way.
Do you remember what you had? Was it really as good as the legend?
Tavern on the Green started out good in it's last remake in the 70's or 80's, but turned into a glorified tourist trap.
Forgot to mention that the joke is if you know of some folks who are visiting NYC, tell them that we've got quite a few well known steak houses here, but there first stop for the best steak ever should be a place called Tad's Steak House, they've got quite a few locations in the city !
breakfast of champions
Balthazar in SoHo. But get reservations well in advance.