WASBLIND- Well thank you Was, I love you to death as well ! Good point that education has always been the right and good thing to do for our children growing up , but the WT society doesn't want ANY of their members to be educated. The dumber the WT leaders can keep their people- the easier they can be controlled. I agree that some welfare and disability is good for those who deserve and need it- however for JW's or anybody to take advantage of the services and yet not act like they're disabled by doing able bodied things or spending money like a drunken sailor - it's using the system.
TORNAPART- Exactly. Too many JW's read this info and allow themselves to be guilted into giving all their time and assets to the WT society and their families become impoverished .
CHARIKLO- Yeah, I don't know WHAT the WT society is thinking dissing self employment and developing or owning your own business. WT society gets benefits from all those self employed JW's for sure building kingdom halls and assembly halls. I knew many self employed JW's when I used to attend.
CARLA- I knew lots of self employed JW's ( including myself years ago ) who used to pioneer due to working weird hours and we would be made to feel guilty if we didn't cram in field service time if we had mornings free. WT society is shooting themselves in the foot with this info.
WALK TALL- Exactly. The JW's should be able to see the insanity and manipulation of this information- but as you say mind control is very, very strong in the Witnesses and these JW's don't even REALIZE what's happening to them. They couldn't even imagine that the WT leaders are taking advantage of them ! The thought wouldn't even occur to them. It's sad.
SKEETER 1 - The WT society IS a drain on humanity ! I agree. With failed prophecies about the time of the end or alleged last days, you'd think modern JW's would wake up - however with many newer JW's joining, they don't know about 1975 and failed prophecies, because the WT society tries to hide that information as it would expose them as dishonest ! It's crazy how the WT society hides it's negative past. It's like George Orwell's 1984 !
WT WIZARD- JW's just don't realize how stagnant of lives they have ! They are wasting their entire lives on a pipedream, very sad. It will never come true.
JAMES_WOODS - It would cause shock waves if most of the JW's read their Watchtowers. I get the feeling these days that only a small percentage of JW's read these WT's initially when they get them, then they snooze through the WT studys like in mind control neutral mode . The few JW's that pay attention to the info anymore will ignore the counsel to not " develop " their businesses and do it anyway. It would be an unenforcable edict by the WT society and as I mentioned it would be shooting themselves in the feet.
THE CRUSHED - Yeah, if you get hassled by the elders for getting your own business started , now your JW wife may harass you. Thought it would be best to inform everybody.
YOUR MOMMA- The WT society really is bringing the hammer down hard. I never read this aggressive of information while I used to attend. Calling earning a living, or developing a business as a " distraction " ? I mean , hell yes it's a distraction, but a necessary one indeed if we want to eat ! I agree with you- the next thing we know the WT society will tell JW's they can't eat or sleep ! It's a cult through and through. Disgusting.
LONG HAIR GAL- Good point that a lot of JW's need to own their own businesses as they definitely have social skill problems n the real world dealing with fellow employees. My youngest JW daughter worked a successful medical office, but as a fanatic JW she got into tiffs with fellow employees because she tried Witnessing to them on company time. She ended up losing the job and it paid well.
BALTAR 447- This definitely is an insane article in which the WT leaders are trying to control even more aggressively the personal lives of JW's. It's getting worse their control methods.
BLINDNOMORE- All JW's ARE disconnected from the real world indeed ! They don't realize that they are being conned, manipulated, or used by a real estate company who is making billions $$$ off of their donations and free labor. I think the thought never crosses rank & file JW's minds. Because they are taught to trust way too much in the motives of the WT leaders. Very sinister.
TOOTIRED2CARE- You're right, it never ends with these $hithead 7 GB members and their writing committee. NOTHING is ever good enough if you are n active JW. They are told to give until it hurts and to not stop. So the wT leaders manipulate JW's to think it's urgent to give because the time is close to Armageddon. So through the use of fear and guilt- JW's are coerced to give all their time, money, and life to this self serving cult. Very sad Be back for pg. 3 responses in a little while.