this is a typical article to control the rank and file and elevate the sordid money grubbing of the society as something holy and exalted. It never occurs to the congregations to question where the money is going. The number of branches decreases, assembly halls are sold off, printing down sizes and real estate is sold off and does not appear to be reinvested anywhere significant. There is no message from higher up saying that there is a surplus of money that can be shared out amongst those in need as in the first century. Rather congregations are told to give more and there are still loans to the society donations and contributions. I fail to see how the societies money reserves will be of value in the new system and if the time is so close then why the need to have still more money.
What they are doing actually doesn't fit with what they are saying. If the end is so close whay aren't there more branch offices since just after Armaegeddon how can the society communicate with all the remote places in the world. Consolidation fits the world pattern of efficeincy savings but hardly is compatible with a worldwide society coordinating the establishment of a paradise Earth. They are revealed to be a business by their actions.