This thread should stay active. Similar issues exist with the TV evangelical shows that spend at least 3/4 of their time begging for money from home bound people. Heck, I buy stuff from QVC. The false intimacy works. Their stuff is overpriced. Destroying documents, zero interest. Are these loans or gifts? The lack of arms' length dealing is unconsciable to me. St. Francis of Assisi turned his wealth over to the church. Only it wasn't his earned money but his father's money.
How many people screwed actually confront the WT? My family would suck it up and live in utter poverty. Over and over again, I heard of distrust of the org but it was the org. and even tho you knew too much, you pretended it did not exist.
So many times here I cry when I read how normal Witnesses are hurt. Why can't the zero interest loan flow both ways? My father was a strange case. His biggest criticism of Bethel and the WT was that there were resources and yet Witnesses in a jam don't even get emotional support and caring. He was at Bethel and told he had to get an exemption from the draft during WWII. Rather, than hold an informational meeting for all similarly situated Bethelites and Witnesses from the area, he had to fend for himself. An older Bethelite who faced huge problems earlier helped him as a personal matter. Otherwise, he would have sat in a federal prison.
A giant religion with massive assets vs. an old lady. What an unfair match. What would Jesus do?