Clearly there is a difference between saying you don't like our alternatives and claiming we offered no alternative at all. This is so tedious stating the obvious. You are simply congenitally incapable of accepting any correction whatever. It doesn't bode well for any book you may choose to write about JWs; sadly a case of much industry and little insight.
World map showing net reduction in publisher numbers
by cedars 188 Replies latest jw friends
Thanks slimboyfat. Actually, 00DAD's suggestion WAS offered as a suggestion, and yours quite clearly wasn't - and well you know it. The fact that I actively sought correction from the very beginning, as evidenced by our early exchanges, contradicts your claim above that I'm "congenitally incapable of accepting any correction". I also won't sink to your depths by pissing on your future aspirations, but suffice to say, I won't let your judgment get to me since it stems from someone who thinks the Society's growth is "impressive".
FYI - "congenital" means "from birth" - have you known me since birth? And I'm the one who "casts aspertions"?!!
Compared to many other groups JW growth is impressive. For example between 1979 and 2005 total church attendance in England declined by a whopping 42%. During that same period JWs increased 40% in Britain. That puts things in perspective somewhat.
La Falta Habitacion Por Sr Hor-Hey!!
When petty arguments happen to credible posters part III, coming to an apostate message board near you.........
Compared to many other groups JW growth is impressive. For example between 1979 and 2005 total church attendance in England declined by a whopping 42%. During that same period JWs increased 40% in Britain. That puts things in perspective somewhat.
Jehovah's Witnesses make up only 0.01% of the planet's population, and purport to conduct a life-saving worldwide preaching work even though at least a quarter (possibly up to a third) of the world's population has never even heard of them.
Now THAT puts things in perspective somewhat.
Slimboyfat: the retention rate of JWs doesn't look so bad if you factor in deaths.
As I commented two pages ago, the Pew Forum published this telling survey result in their Key Findings and Statistics on Religion in America:
Jehovah's Witnesses have the lowest retention rate of any religious tradition. Only 37% of all those who say they were raised as Jehovah's Witnesses still identify themselves as Jehovah's Witnesses. - (From a nationwide survey conducted from May 8 to Aug. 13, 2007)
Unless I missed it, neither Cedars or SBF commented on my previous post referring to Paul Grundy's work on this subject (jwfacts website):
Jehovah's Witness Statistics
In reference to the group that I referred to as MIA, Paul uses these terms:
- Missing
- Number Leaving
- Number that Stop Publishing
- Stopped Publishing compared to Number Baptised
- People Unaccounted For
- and more ...
"Jehovah's Witnesses make up only 0.01% of the planet's population,"
It's actually 0,1%.
7.000.000 / = 1/1000 = 0,1%
From a global viewpoint they are still borderline insignificant. Like a dwarf-shrub in the redwoods.
Unless I missed it, neither Cedars or SBF commented on my previous post referring to Paul Grundy's work on this subject (jwfacts website):
Sorry 00DAD, I must have missed it in the firefight!!
I do appreciate your contribution to this thread.
It's actually 0,1%.
7.000.000 / = 1/1000 = 0,1%
Correct - thanks for that. Oops!