Me personally it doesn't bother me for medicinal use or recreational. I mean for the former, people already use narcotics to regulate their pain management. The only difference is how the drug is administered with THC getting inhaled as opposed to a patch or lollypop when using Fentanyl, or a pill with Opana. I really don't see the big deal for medicinal use. With recreational it doesn't bother me especially since I like to get my sip on occasionally. I think anyone who abuses alcohol really doesn't have a leg to stand on when it comes to criticisizing recreational marijuana use. Although considering all the social and medical problems that are a direct result of tobacco and alcohol abuse, I'm not entirely sure adding stoners into the mix would be a good thing.
Medical Marijuana, Your opinion please?
by Greybeard 164 Replies latest jw friends
I have never used MJ so cannot comment on that part of the original post.
I concur that people who are offered either MJ or alcohol (and have a history of using both) will almost invariably choose MJ, at least in my observation.
I've known it to help quite a few people in pain---and one person on chemo tackled nausea with it. But it was not medical maijuana---i don't believe that is legal in my state---so fine upstanding people were pushed into breaking the law.
It's a witch hunt. Alcohol does so much damage, yet it is legal. Marijuana may be used recreationally---BUT SO WHAT? So is alcohol. THAT's where the hypocrisy lays---not in people obtaining it legally and using it recreational. Xanax anyone?
But we must keep the prison industrial complex rich. Pharmaceuticals wouldn't hear of an effective substance available and grown without their cut.
It's time to put this to rest. It is unwinable.
wha happened?
Hor, THC can be administered in pill form or as a strip under the tongue. I use a vape as it's the most cost effective, unless I travel
Wha Happened-
Amen to that,
I had forgotten all about the insomnia. I have had a script for Ambien for several years that I had to take every night otherwise I wouldn’t sleep… Since I started smoking every day I only fill it when I run out of weed. In my life alone smoking weed has replaced at least 4 prescriptions I would be taking daily just to function. I know that sounds horrible and it is, but that is what my generation is, pill poppers.
I too abuse alcohol, I used to drink a fifth of whatever was cheap every day or so… I maybe have one drink a month now… probably more like half a drink a month as I never finish it.
La Falta Habitacion Por Sr Hor-Hey!!
Hor, THC can be administered in pill form or as a strip under the tongue. I use a vape as it's the most cost effective, unless I travel
I'm familiar with the pill form, Marinol, but from what I understand it doesnt do much for pain management. Most of th case mgmt studies I've worked on, Hemo/Oncol docs were prescribing for appetite stimulation or nasea related to chemo/radiation. I wasn't familiar with the strip though, that's interesting. Vape is the most cost effective? :P LOL
wha happened?
not that, actual THC is available in pill form, along with the 100's of canabinoids that are natural in marijuana
charlie brown jr.
Don't tell.............
IT WORKS!!!!!!!!!!!
For 5 yrs.............. yada yada yada............ I was sick...............
and no cure..............
yada yada yada I'm in the best shape of my life and CAN FUCK**G BREATHE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And I eat like a Pig!!!!!!!!!!!
wha happened?
Apparently though, Mr Obama was originally taking a hands off approach to marijuana, not anymore. Federal raids picking up in Cali
La Falta Habitacion Por Sr Hor-Hey!!
I was waiting on you to post on this thread, Charlie!! LOL.