I had 2 friends took it for MS. They claimed the pain relief lasted 3 days whereas conventional medicine only gave relief for a few hours at a time.
Medical Marijuana, Your opinion please?
by Greybeard 164 Replies latest jw friends
SBC:Why is marijuana not legal? It's a natural plant that grows in the dirt. (Greg Giraldo)
Shirley: Poison ivy also grows in the dirt, but I don't think anyone would want to ingest/smoke that.
Non sequitur and straw man argument.
- The point is that MJ is a natural plant that is banned by the government.
- If someone wants to ingest poison ivy or rub it on his scrotum, it might seem crazy to me but that's his business, not mine, not yours, not Uncle Sam's.
- The government, as far as I know, makes no law against growing poison ivy in your yard.
- How do the health concerns of MJ compare to legal substances like alcohol and tobacco?
Here's a straw man: You can die from drinking too much water. It's true. The abuse of any substance can be unhealthy.
charlie brown jr.
I was waiting on you to post on this thread, Charlie!! LOL.
I wouldn't let you down LOL!!!!!!!!!!!
I am all for its medical use by those who can benefit from it. And SBC's neighbor who burns one down on occasion? I have no problem with that either.
To answer your question, Greybeard, I personally find the occasional wee bit to be relaxing and enjoyable, and I in no way endorse or recommend it. But for someone with alcohol issues, I'm not so sure. It can impair judgment just like any intoxicant. An alcoholic may find his/herself to be more likely to give in to the urge to drink after smoking. I don't know that for certain...but I have seen people get seriously stupid with weed and alcohol together.
- If someone wants to ingest poison ivy or rub it on his scrotum, it might seem crazy to me but that's his business, not mine, not yours, not Uncle Sam's.
I'm with you all the way on that one SBC, makes me no never mind either, however, poison ivy does grow from the ground and poison ivy is . . . poison !
I remember that back in the 50s my younger cousin had asthma real bad. His mother was the local curanda, the one who the locals went to for cures. My young cousin was always smoking something that helped his asthma. I
am sure it was mj. I also know others who smoke mj, and have done so for years, and they seem to get along OK; no problems working or with the law. So my conclusion is that if a person needs it, and it works, smoke it.
Low-Key Lysmith
From listening to the court shows, like Judge Judy and a few others, just from hearing the so-called "medical reasons" a lot of folks are prescribed legal pot is an absolute joke. Asthma, ADHD, really ? ? ?
Ten or more years ago it was recognized that it reduced the pain for terminal cancer patients, and for folks like Mrs. J's husband who have severe, chronic pain, I see no reason to deny them. But as stated above, the reasons I've heard Dr.s prescribe it in states where it's legal like Cali, all those Dr's licenses should be revoked !
This has got to be one of the most judgemental & hypocritical statements ever uttered anywhere. How do you know that MJ doesn't help asthma & ADHD? There is quite a bit a research with evidence to prove the contrary.
And btw I've never even tried the stuff myself.
*Sigh*. Yep. Huge problem with today's society. People criminalizing/demonizing things of which they know nothing about.
charlie brown jr.
I must say YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Couldn't FU****G Breathe!!!!!!!!!!!
Gave up hope.........
Thought I was DEAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Holy Shit?????????????
I can breathe........
I lost 80 LBS!!!!!!!!!!!!
I FEEL GREAT!!!!!!!!!!
Penn Jillette had a righteous rant on the subject this week.
Sunday school with one of my favorite atheists.
Marijuana doesn't ruin lives. The government violating our rights and turning the country into a giant prison ruins lives. We have tens of thousands of people in prison over this stupid law.