I used to be a very heavy drinker and it was causing problems in my life. Drink drink drink and always sick and miserable the next day, almost impossible to go to work. Caused problems with friendships and with family. I drank to cover over my severe social anxiety problems but of course it caused more.
When I started using MJ, I very quickly and substancially cut back on my drinking. It has helped calm my anxiety and stress more than I could put into words. I used to miss a lot of work because I would be too hungover to get to work and was always worried about losing my job, but I never miss work anymore since I started using MJ. I am a much calmer, reasonable person, have been able to overcome my social issues and make real friends (not all pot-smokers by any means) and has helped with my back and neck problems. I always got sick off of pain meds that doctors give me and know too many people addicted to painkillers and have seen them ruin their lives so I was scared of them anyway.
With MJ, I of course enjoy the feeling i get when I use it, but I don't feel a need for it like i did with drinking. I can use it every day, then just stop for a while with no withdrawal issues.
The health risks associated with MJ are incredibly lower than many other legal products. The only people I know who have gotten into trouble over MJ are people who were arrested for possesion or fired for failing a drug test, NOT because they caused any kind of harm or damage due to using. On the other hand, I cant count the number of people I have met who have injured themselves or wrecked a car due to alchohol abuse.
Sounds tough to believe, but MJ has made me a better person.