I find your take on that interesting apostatethunder.
The earth is a small garden in an immense desert.
My reaction is the opposite....from just that tiny bit of space it seemed to be teaming with life and activity. Who knows what is out there? I don't see it as a desert...I see it as unimaginable possibilty.
Each and every human is more valuable than millions of galaxies with all of their stars.
I agree, we are all valuable. But in context, doesn't it make you think that we really do blow our own trumpets a bit about the knowledge of god we think we have?
Strangely...and probably just from my perspective. The vastness of space to me, makes god even less likely. Although, I would like to think of a god who created it all. To think of a god who could create the earth, OUR solar system and man is huge enough...to wrap your mind around a god that is capable of creating and controlling billions and billions of universes, some far bigger than our own, whilst caring about the tiniest human being is baffling to me.