And she probably has huge student loan bills to pay and she wants to get the debt out of the way early.
Smart woman.
And even smarter if she doesn't go out with you again.
by Iamallcool 66 Replies latest social relationships
And she probably has huge student loan bills to pay and she wants to get the debt out of the way early.
Smart woman.
And even smarter if she doesn't go out with you again.
Maybe she's happy with just having a roof over her head? Maybe she's down to earth?
BP, thats fine with me if she does not want to go out with me again. I would think she can afford a nicer home and still pay off her loans.
sounds like your heart is in the right place
Material things are so important to people in the first world.
I live in an older condo, and have a good bank account. I'm not rich, don't get me wrong... but I'm comfortable.
I don't want a big house. I don't want a 100k car. I don't want that material nonsense.
I just want to live and not have my posessions hold me captive. And that's what happens - your posessions hold you captive.
People in North America need to learn how to live with less. It's a lesson many of you will be learning sooner than later; trust me on that.
I can't believe you would judge a woman who is clearly intelligent by the fact that she lives in an "older mobile home". So what? It's a freakin' HOME! She could be a freeloader and be crashing at someone's elses fancy house, not contributing, and just looking for her next meal ticket, but she's not. She's a self-sufficient woman who is taking care of herself on her own. And yet you judge her?
Like I said, she's clearly intelligent, which makes me wonder why she went out with someone like you in the first place. She'd really show her intelligence if she never saw you again.
Picky is one thing. Being a judgmental asshole is quite another.
Picky is one thing. Being a judgmental asshole is quite another.
Well said Morbidz!!
Maybe she is saving up to buy a nice house. My husband and I rented a crappy apartment for a year so we could save up a down payment and not be in debt. I really wouldn't worry about where she lives, at least she owns a place!
Iamallcool, Are you a gold digger? Why are you focusing on what degree she has and where she reside. How do you know if she really has phd degree? Even so, so what?
If she is what she say she is, she either has a huge student loan to pay off as someone already mentioned and she is working on to pay off her bills or she is fraud. Not good news in either case finacially. It was on CNN this morning about this Harvard Graduate. He paid off his student loan of 90k($90,000) in a year. His secret?(it works both way)
1. Take second job.
2. Don't go out eat.
3. Sell unnecessary itemS(ie, he sold his bike, second car that he cherished, etc)
4. Pay the bill, Pay the bill, Pay the bill.
5. Engage in cost free activities.
She is either working on to pay off her debt or miserably bad with money, or giving all her money to charities and leading a low key life style(You shoul have known this by now ), or she is fraud.
Are you looking for a companion or a suger mommy? Satistically, you will get one or the other but both. Are you going to dump her just beacuse her residency doesn't meet up your expectation?
I find her thrift and clear common sense to be highly appealing.
Fast car, big bills and lifestyle = high maintenance and a clear sign of a materialistic outlook. This will likely mean she expects her man to be able to pay for it all. Can you? Do you want to?
I'm not sure if you make these posts to look like a douche or not, but you always manage to come across like one.