I wish there were more JW's resisting the extreme elements within the religion

by Hermano 68 Replies latest jw friends

  • designs

    There are to many compartments to the ship. Dissent is killed at very early levels (use to be at the Book Study level).

  • Hermano

    And yet, designs, there are some who manage to pull it off. I know JWs who speak to their loved ones who are shunned.

    What if those JWs managed to communicate and find solace with others who also speak to their loved ones?

    What if many JWs realized that there are many others amongst them who think it's ridiculous that they can't talk to their own family members?

    What if there were some elders who felt this way?

    What if there were some bethel heavies who felt this way?

    What if there were some governing body members who felt this way? According to Ray Franz when the GB meets they don't all agree. So I don't think this is a far-fetched idea.

    Now, what if all those people realized that many others within the org feel the same way they do?

  • dontplaceliterature

    I get where you are coming from Hermano, but it will never happen. You need to do more cult psychology research.

  • designs


    So far its been a steady exodus, which is ok. As for a Reform Movement like we see with Protestant Denominations that's where I see the Wt. has set the traps to prevent such things.

  • Sapphy

    Hermano: Now, what if all those people realized that many others within the org feel the same way they do?

    I'm still in, by a thread, and I realise there are many more of the "conscious class" around, however I dont know who they are, they dont know who I am - it's too dangerous. WHile the society has the weapon of disfellowshiping and being able to cut your family off from you, the stakes are too high.

    If I were to start talking around, I might confirm my suspicions and possibly find out that Elder X still talks to his disfellowshipped son more often than 'family business' would call for, I might also discover Elder Y's wife is getting her batchelors degree and calling it 'working part time'. I may discover that young brother Andre doesnt believe in 1914 at all, and half the congregation doesnt get the new generation theory.

    But confirming any of that is not worth losing my family.

  • hoser

    a very good friend of mine told me this :" if everyone decides to hide their own truth from everyone, the vast majority end up living a lie that really is unneccesary."

    The great problem is how do we all tell the truth without being put under sanctions by the watchtower?

    there are more of us than we know.(conscious class)

    It takes great fortitude and inner strength to stand up for the truth and remain inside the congregation.


  • Hermano

    I get where you are coming from Hermano, but it will never happen.

    I don't know about that. Never is a long time. I'm just saying the same thing your username is saying: Don't place literature. They can't disfellowship you for that. The way to really get to control freaks is to deny them control.

  • Hermano

    Yes Designs, there are traps. But all empires fall eventually. Sometimes the fall comes at the hands of an enemy. Sometime it comes from within, despite the checks and balances set forth by those in power. The GB is a regime. And regimes can be toppled. Yes, it's risky. Yes people die trying. But it happens.

  • Hermano

    Sapphy and hoser you guys have both arrived at the critical question of how? "The great problem is how do we all tell the truth without being put under sanctions by the watchtower?" It has to happen very slowly. I keep thinking back to the elder I mentioned previously. He never said anything that seemed subversive. He was always very peaceful, very loving. And yet somehow, there was an ease about him. A lack of judgement? Maybe he just seemed so meek that no one would consider him a threat...

    Maybe it has to start with your family. If you're in and fading instead of trying to get your family out, why not try to get them to be a bit more moderate instead?

    I think Cedars survey was a great idea because it was a way for Witnesses to know that others felt the way they did.

  • dontplaceliterature

    You are deluding yourself if you think there will ever be a "grassroots" movement to modernize that cult.

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