I think a lot of them resist to various degrees, even passively. Some are there for social reasons and don’t believe much of what is being said. Others are brainwashed but would be the first ones to leave if they saw the organization for what it is. When people leave, I’ve seen a lot of cases when they stopped believing in God altogether, others come back after years because they didn’t manage to get the doctrine out. Not sure what is the best way to help them. If they saw what it is all about that would probably be it.
I wish there were more JW's resisting the extreme elements within the religion
by Hermano 68 Replies latest jw friends
how can JWs learn about those ideas without raising their apostate shields? How can JWs be educated in a way that peaks their interest and starts their minds to think?
Great questions.... I wish I had answers. I know those who know TTATT and are still on the inside have an edge that we don't. But even then, how can they educate others without compromising themselves?
There's got to be a way though....
Extreme elements from within are not going to change anything.
I don't know about that breakfast of champions. I think THEY ARE CHANGING. Certainly not becoming more moderate, but becoming even more extreme. Which can work too, because the moderates may become disillusioned and leave. Hopefully they can help wake up one or two souls before they leave or are forced out. I'm all for them tripping themselves up, but if I can help the process along, I'd love to.
I think a lot of them resist to various degrees, even passively.
Yes apostatethunder, and yet they feel so alone. When I was still in I used to feel like everyone around me was SOOO loyal and I was the only one struggling. And yet in hindsight, I know there were others who felt like me. We just didnt know we weren't the only ones. Could there be some way for those who are still in but have more awareness of the coersive tactics to help others who are struggling so they don't feel so isolated?
and everyone waits for the next guy to make a move and nothing gets done because of fear
how do we overcome the fear?
Change only has come about as a result from pressure or awareness from outside, not from inside. Very few of the 1914-generation remained, but no change came about. Then this magazine, what was it called - US News & World Report or something like that - had an article about the dwindling generation and what "the other Franz" said etc., and it was not too long till the generation change. Lots of people must have known about the NGO thing (which I do not believe is much of a "thing" at all), but as soon as the British newspaper wrote about it, connection was broken within a couple of weeks.
Not much is written in the literature about blood these days, not much about the King of the North, not much about the conventions of the 1920s and their correspondence to the plagues, not much about any controversial matters really, so is there change? Change in the sense of spesific prophecies and similar items not being mentioned much - yes; change in the other basics - not until the outside world writes about it.
I feel as I have always felt, that it is up to the individual. Some things are a bit "extreme" to me, and I think - "oh well, it is or must be a typical American thing, it is not like that in Europe or Africa, doesn't fit here" - and I survive and live well at that.
hermano there are many ways to keep aware of helping individuals not feel so alone.
If a young sister sits there at the meeting reading her kindle during the talk or if a teenager sits in the foyer with his headphones on it is obvious that they are there under some sort of duress and that they probably are very isolated and being pressured in some way. Plus they will be objects of fear and dislike at the KH.
Less obvious are those who don't attend all meetings but one thing we can be sure of and that is that they will be pressured to attend more meetings. They may be feeling guilty and isolated.
But at the end of the day it is hard to know exactly what is going on without prying but my suggestion is to develop the habit of trying to converse with everyone but particularly those who seem isolated and the conversations can be about world affairs, sport, entertainment etc. I would not suggest being committed to deliberately following up on such ones though and suggest rather that one would need to be the kind of person who is open to whatever outcome happens - for example if they become stronger in the truth then so be it. It is their life after all and it is important that they do not feel that they are being pressured in any way. On the other hand if there is an answering spirit within someone then they may not feel so alone even if it is only for that moment in time and of course this may never become known to you. Having been controlled for most of adult life I would never try to control another person but would simply try to be respectful and tolerant whilst encouraging confidence in the world outside the KH.
Thanks for your feedback TheOldHippie. A distinction needs to be made between changes in doctrines vs. changes in the oppresiveness of the regime.
Perhaps the issue can be addressed both by pressure from the outside and by covert resistance from the inside.
Those of us who are out are certainly in a better position to bring awareness and pressure from the outside by letting the public know about the oppresive tactics of the regime.
But at the end of the day it is hard to know exactly what is going on without prying but my suggestion is to develop the habit of trying to converse with everyone but particularly those who seem isolated and the conversations can be about world affairs, sport, entertainment etc. I would not suggest being committed to deliberately following up on such ones though and suggest rather that one would need to be the kind of person who is open to whatever outcome happens - for example if they become stronger in the truth then so be it. It is their life after all and it is important that they do not feel that they are being pressured in any way. On the other hand if there is an answering spirit within someone then they may not feel so alone even if it is only for that moment in time and of course this may never become known to you. Having been controlled for most of adult life I would never try to control another person but would simply try to be respectful and tolerant whilst encouraging confidence in the world outside the KH.
Thank you soft+gentle. I think you said what I have been thinking but couldn't articulate. Even the simple act of treating someone with tolerance and respect can make them aware that not everyone is treating them that way.
How about sharing some positive news? - It may help someone realize that not everything is as doom and gloom as it is made to appear.
How about sharing about something good that a "wordly" person has done for you? - It may help someone realize not all wordly people are as evil as they are made to appear.
Even "theocratic" news can be used help someone think. "I heard the Society started that new project that wont be completed until 2020. Isn't great that they are planning for the future."
Low risk, you don't have to compromise or expose yourself, but perhaps you can make a more moderate JW think or feel a bit differently.