1) New World Order (not 100% convinced, but it seems like the higher ups want people to stop thinking and following. I see in the US, the overall basic education system sucks. Teens graduate high school and can't balance a checkbook, budget properly, spell, read, think critically, etc. They know what the Kardashians are up too and who got Snooki pregnant, but if you ask the average kid to point to Kazakhstan or Djibouti on a blank map, you would get a blank stare. That's not just a stereotype. There are some very brilliant students, but I find more followers than thinkers. Teachers and instructors just as clueless on the subject and teaching skills are horrendous. Technology is handicapping people mentally. Remember having to remember phone numbers? Or understand a map? Not needed anymore. No thinking involved. It's quite dangerous. Now they have BABY apps on Ipad. Yes, for BABIES. Technology helps, but it's hurting in important ways. I just feel it's part of a conditioning. Don't think. Just accept and follow accordingly. You need a college education just to understand basic concepts.
2) Weapons testing - I'm not fully convinced, but I would NOT be suprised if it was an exposed fact.
3) Surveillance, espionage, and intelligence agencies - I worked for security years ago in a global banking firm. The technology we had at our disposal was mind boggling (for me at least). I could only imagine the government. I read about technology NOW mainstream that government had 20+ years prior.
4) DTV has 'big brother' status - I believe information is sold to big business to be used for marketing demographics. Nothing more, nothing less.
5) Many diseases have man-made origins - Not a biologist, so according to reasearch of others' conclusions, it has been stated diseases such as HIV have a man-made DNA origin.
6) Governments spread these diseases - Population control and testing contaminated air.
7) Big Pharma concealing cures for conditions and diseases - A few natural items thought to cure certain ailments become illegal. IE apricot seeds.
8) Illuminati - I guess like a club. Nothing too crazy I don't think. But i see it becoming more prevalent and highly publicized in mainstream media.
9) Space landing - if the usa revealed they DIDN'T land first, what do they have to lose? That's why I think this can be an elaborate cover up.
10) 9/11 - Self explanatory
Note: Some of these would take an elaborate and time consuming cover up, but those involved could be under the mind control of high - powered groups today, so it's not impossible because of the tedious work that has to be done. Pshychologists can plant false memories in people's mind, etc.
Anyway, I am not overly concerned about such things, but I do wonder about a lot, which is why I guess I am cynical right now.
Though I have read up on these theories, I am NOT an expert on any of these subjects, I recognize I have more research to do.
Don't bust my chops. I'm a larvae apostate. My studying period will be my cocoon. Then I will become a beautiful moth. (I didn't feel comfortable typing that last one)