If armageddon was to come now---who would get away safe : you or the jw that's making an effort to tell persons about God?
Greetings, Ms. GG20, and peace to you! See, here's the thing (for me, anyway): JWs use th threat of "Armageddon" to scare dear folks like you (and formerly me) into thinking that they are/have "truth." But there are two (2) truths... well, there are actually hundreds, but I'm only going to share two with you now, because if you get THEM, the rest will come... that they don't use... because they don't know them. Since I believe you may be among those who use [the Bible] as a guide, to one extent or another, I am going to show you those "truth" from that:
1. First, there is only ONE Truth: Christ (John 14:6; 17:17; Hebrews 13:12; John 8:32, 36). Anyone else who says they are... or have... the "truth"... and such is not with reference to hiim ONLY... are liars, imposters, and usurpers of the "seat" of its rightful owner (John 10:7, 8; Matthew 23:2, 3; 24:24)
2. Armageddon cannot come "now"... nor can it for a least another 1,000 years. That's because it does not occur until after the Adversary has been let LOOSE from his abyssing... which abyssing is for 1,000 years and does not occur until after Christ has returned, sat down with his co-rulers, and began separating the "sheep" from the "goats" (Gog). And since your belief most probably is that Christ has not yet returned (and he couldn't have, could he, in 1914 because (a) he only returns once and (b) when he does every eye will see hiim?) Revelation 20:2, 4, 6, 7-9; 16:13, 14, 16 - It is the three "unclean inspired expressions" that come out of the mouth of the dragon... that HE uses TO "mislead those nations... Gog and Magog" so AS to gather them for THE war. There is only ONE war [of the great day of GOD Almighty - i.e., the MOST Holy One], dear one. Only ONE "conflict" in the place of "Har-Magedon"... not two.
Those you follow not only falsely and lyingly teach:
1. Two (2) classes of the Body of Christ (the 144,000 and the great crowd, with one being in one place and the other being in another - although the Bible sets out they are they ONE flock, with ONE hope... that ALL of them will rule upon the earth, the nations to take the place of those of Israel who rejected the king God gave them); but also
2. Two (2) returns of Christ (one invisible, the other visible - although the Bible teaches that he is invisible with us ALL the days until the conclusion, but will return literally to gather those who belong to him so as to be "married" to them, at which time ALL will return and rule UPON the earth, where they, "NEW Jerusalem" will reside... because the earth was given to them); as well as
3. Two (2) "Armageddons (one fought by Christ, which is supposed to get rid of all "bad" people, but yet, another... when Gog and Magog are destroyed).
Yet, there is only ONE of each of these events... in the Bible... and in reality:
1. ONE flock... made up of BOTH the sons of Israel AND the great crowd, who together, rule as kings and priests in ONE kingdom - John 10:1-5, 16; Revelation 5:9, 10; 7:13-15
2. ONE return of Christ - John 14:2. 3; Revelation 1:7
3. ONE conflict at the place called "Har-Magedon" - Revelation 16:14, 16; 20:8, 9
ONE baptism for ALL (NOT by water, but by fire (holy spirit) - Matthew 3:11; John 1:33; Acts 19:1-6; Isaiah 6:5, 6
ONE Body... ONE spirit... ONE faith... ONE hope. ONE Lord and One Leader. Matthew 23:10; Ephesians 4:4, 5
ONE kingdom of God. Matthew 6:10; John 18:36; Revelation 11:15
ONE God, the Father... who is the MOST Holy (ALL Mighty) One of Israel, JAH of Armies. Matthew 23:9; Ephesians 4:5; Psalm 68:4
Why, though, does it seem that "God" answered your prayers through the WTBTS? Because of the "god" you called upon, dear one: "Jehovah". There is no "Jehovah", though. There is only:
1. The MOST Holy One of Israel... JAH of Armies... whose name is spelled "JaH·VeH"... is pronounced "Yah veh"... and means, "JAH who breathes/whose breath causes Armies (of spirits) to come into existence; and
2. The HOLY One of Israel, His Son... JAHESHUAH... whose name is pronounced "Yah eh Shua" (or "Yahshua/Yeshua/Joshua") and means "JAH Saves/Salvation of JAH"... who is the Chosen One (MischaJah, or messiah"... the Chosen/Anointed One of JAH). He... the ONLY rightful One to sit in the "seat of Moses" (Matthew 23:2, 3)... who is the "glorified Christ" (John 17:1, 5).
And that One, the Holy One of Israel... is the Holy Spirit (2 Corinthians 3:17). There is no other. That One is he who pours out the spirit of God upon man... so that is it by means of... and through the union caused by... that spirit... and NOT by or through [another] man... that man is taught "the things of God." (1 John 2:26, 27; Proverbs 8:4-10)
Your prayer was "answered" then, NOT by the True Source, Christ... who, like the Father, is the SAME... yesterday, today, and tomorrow... but from the "source" you WANTED to hear from: any that would tell you that the WTBTS is "okay" and that continuing to "touch" that [very] unclean thing... is "okay".
It is not, though, nor was your "answer" from the Most Holy One of Israel. Because it is not until one STOPS "touching the unclean thing" that one can be "taken in as sons and daughters", which "taking in" is pursuant to holy spirit... and a CHOOSING by such... AS a son/daughter [of God].
Get out her, dear Ms. GG20. Out. If you do not want to share in her sins... and receive part of her plagues.
May you have ears to hear the truths that I have shared with you here, if you so wish them, as well as to hear when the Spirit and the Bride say to YOU:
"Come! Take 'life's water'... which water is the blood of Christ... and flows from HIS inmost parts... to impart life to those receiving it... FREE!" (Revelation 22:17)
Because it truly is only by means of this "water"... and obedience to even the least things of the One who dispenses it... that one is joined... in spiritual union... to Christ. John 6:48-58 (with special emphasis on 52-58); 7:37, 38. Anything and everything else to the contrary is a lie... and meant to mislead, if possible, EVEN the chosen ones.
I bid you peace!
Servant to the Household of God, Israel, and all those who go with... and a slave of Christ,