Some of you aren't going to like this news, but here goes...

by AndersonsInfo 205 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • Kudra

    Do active JWs actually get on Rick's conference calls ever?

  • Kudra

    It seems like the attorney is very confident about the possibility of defeating future appeals and that there will be many more similar cases forthcoming.

  • Lozhasleft

    Just want to thank Barbara for this info.

    Loz x

  • purplesofa

    Hopefully, someone will do a transcript of this show, at least the lawyers part.

    I would do it but have no time.

  • cofty

    It seems like the attorney is very confident about the possibility of defeating future appeals and that there will be many more similar cases forthcoming.

    That's great news. The appeal will only bring more bad publicity for the WT

  • shamus100

    I just wanted to let everybody know that

    A) I would NEVER call into that show EVER

    B) I am not old

    C) The 'kiss the monkey' thing does not permeate my speech when talking to real people

  • talesin

    Just a quick note ---- if you have high expectations of someone, then they just may rise to meet those expectations.

    Cheers to Rick Fearon, for doing a good job, when everyone was putting him down and treating him like a piece of shit. Good on ya, Rick. Your heart has always been in the right place, even though a lot of folks didn't agree with your methods. In spite of all the crazy shit, I could always see your passion - and that passion, showed a clear and burning desire to bring down the Tower.

    You really came through when we needed you, and I, for one, appreciate that!



  • Kudra

    A couple of funny points:

    The attorney said that the JWs got off to a bad start with the jury when a few of the inital JW witnesses for the defense were caught trying to deny things that were apparent to everyone that were true.


    Someone asked the attorney if the JWs were forthcoming with information at the branch headquarters (apparently the attorney went to Bethel to visit). He said that he learned some things from what the JWs actually told him but that he learned a lot from what he felt they did not tell him (or lied about, basically).

    tee hee.

  • clarity

    Hi ..thanks everybody with tips about getting 'cheap' rates to US

    Just got back on and listening reading your blow by blow accounts of the show .... so far sounds good.

    Thanks for this.


  • Kudra

    Rick Simons said that at JW headquarters those in charge acted the same as people in charge of any large corporation (in regards to being forthcoming with information).

    -tsk, tsk!

    p.s. I hear that even young monkeys *sound* old when they are linked in on conference calls... :-O

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