Im not trying to poke fun at any particular religion or show favouritism, but im having a hard time recalling similar repeated scandals in non xian religions. I cant recall hearing of pedo scandals in islam or buddism. Yes i know that Islam perpetrates many other evils like so call honour killings but buddhism seems to be rarely in the news for similar evils ? Is this a culture or religious ethics thing ? Do some xians hate murder but somehow the holy book allows pedophilia ?
Why do only xian religions have soo many pedo problems ?
by mP 40 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
People are people. I would guess that there are pedophiles in every part of the world. Some pedophiles actively seek out a place that will both put them in positions of trust, and then hide them when they abuse that trust. If religion at least never did these things, there wouldn't be as many pedophiles within it. No point.
I don't know what those numbers are. I tried to google it, but not coming up with anything. I suspect that many religions are not as open about reporting than others---for instance Islam.
On the other hand, according to the old testament, raping a woman (no age limit) entitled one to buy their victim from the father and marry them. There is a culture of hating on women---nonvirgins who married got stoned. With a society that puts such an unreasonable emphasis on virginity---I don't think anyone would want to come forward and admit anything happened---they risked being sold to their abuser or being stoned.
But Islam leans heavily on the older writings----which makes me think they probably have a large and unreported problem. I remember reading about domestic help that were sent to rich people in another country. It was common for the men to rape the women, and if she complained, have her thrown in jail----for years. (this was not very long ago). Anyway, one young woman was too traumatized to speak, so another told her story----she was afraid to go home because she lost her virginity through rape and her family were strict Muslims.
A lot of that is sexual violence---not necessarily pedophila. Seems like the bible is silent on pedophilia. So perhaps it was not an issue---not that it didn't happen---but it wasn't an issue. I mean, if you mixed your fabrics there was a prescribed penalty---but no mention of inappropriately touching a child in this wise book. Who knows? Love to see stats. We don't have many Buddhists here, so the number may be small overall.
Crime happens among all religions. In the Christian ones though, they tend to organize into specific legal entitles of people and that is the problem. When you have people dictating the rules and making policies, then it becomes an organizational corporate issue, not just the neighborhood pervert.
On another thread, someone mentionedl "it's not the crime, its the cover up". Leadershp and such of mosques and I imagine temples operates differently. Working together to protect molesters is not gonna happen when they do not have a legal structure dictating to all mosques the same rules.
Islam, for example, may have a problem among the people of an abuser and he will be ostracised if found out-but there is no central connection between masjids, so that there would be no orgainizational plot to protect the abusers or the organization. OTOH, he can also go to another mosque and no one will know-so, in a responsible group, this is a disadvantage. Talk about organized reliigion-Islam is NOT it:) It is the most disorganized religion I know of! There are different issues associated with THAT. That's another thread, probably another forum!
I cant recall hearing of pedo scandals in islam or buddism.
Mohammed married a 7 year old girl, but had sex with her when she was 9.
Guess that doesn't count does it?
A cultural norm does not a pedophile make! A pedophile is someone who has a primary or exclusive sexual interest in children. Considering that his first wife was 15 year his senior and several of his wives were elderly, I don't think you can make a case for pedophilia on facts known or even speculated (as the 9 year old thing is debated among Muslims, even).
Pedophilia definitely exists among all of humanity, but marrying at the onset of puberty is normal in many cultures, even if unacceptable in more modernized society.
Orthodox Jews have the same issue as well: Any insular community, especially one that is strongly male-dominated, tends to have this problem.
I think maybe because of culture ! ,it`s not such a big deal as in western ? civilization .It seems their are many cultures out their ( non western ) that have no qualms in organising minors in arranged marriages to much older men , who veiw women as subservient? lower class people who have little or no voice in society. I mean to say 12 / 13 year old girls in arranged marriages? and thats not pedophilia , give me a break,and then of course theirs female circumsiscion ,or should we leave that for another thread
Bubblegum Apotheosis
Mp, do yourself a favor, read Craig Winn's works on Islam, he is one of the best historians, not afraid of all the death threats he has received. Craig's work stand's on his use of the five most ancient sources of Islamic written tradition. Are you a former Muslim Mp, or do you live in a Islamic country? I have thought you might be living in this region, just from your silence on Islamic teachings, while firing off a Xians. "The Sword of the Prophet" from an atheist/former Muslim teacher's perspective might be your style?
What religious leader married a girl of six years old, had sex with her until she was 8 or 9 years old? Stories vary from 8 or 9 according to the most accuarte Hadiths, yet for arguments sake we can say she Aisha was 9 years old.
"Tabari IX:128 "When the Prophet married Aisha, she was very young and not yet ready for consummation." (6 Years Old According To Tradition) This is how it happened: Tabari IX:131 "My mother came to me while I was being swung on a swing between two branches and got me down. My nurse took over and wiped my face with some water and started leading me. When I was at the door she stopped so I could catch my breath. I was brought in while Muhammad was sitting on a bed in our house. My mother made me sit on his lap. The other men and women got up and left. The Prophet consummated his marriage with me in my house when I was nine years old
This kind of loving feedback Muslims provide to defend their religon against Craig Winn, who is a "Jew Lover, Christian Lover" is typical of anyone filled with hatred. I have debated Muslims and their rage surfaces quickly when you are familiar with the Quran, and the Hadiths. Using hatred and death threats to defend your beliefs, justifys all the drones flying around, looking for the fountains of this kind of freedom hating culture. It's my way, or death, Christians are terrified in Eygpt right now, afriad the Coptic Christians will be wiped out after Two Thousand Years of existence, all because of the Religon Of Peace.
Maybe we should ask the question: What does a muslim veiw as a pedophile, what does a hindu veiw as a pedophile what does a buddhist veiw as a pedophile ,and any other non christian religion to be fare , but not to forget why they feel justified in exploiting the young juvenile females the way they do in arranged marriages in many instances against their will.