Xianity is less successful at controlling the them and us paradigm when it is the dominant religion. Islam is likely to have the same issues but adds a cultural layer of secrecy against the laws of the west. The more secretive and hierarchical a society the more opportunities exist for the paedophiles to realise their sexual fantasies. It is all about opportunity. Ditto for all other abuses such as rape ( for example roughly 25% of US servicewomen experience sexual abuse including rape from fellow soldiers according to the BBC article on their website .)
Why do only xian religions have soo many pedo problems ?
by mP 40 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
Bubblegum Apotheosis
@Qcmbr: Ditto, how can you talk about something that is not talked about within the culture? Women are treated as less value than a domestic cow according to some traditions. Can you abuse women and get away with it, it's in the Quran, as long as you don't kill them! Youtube had original videos on "How to beat your wife" and most have been removed, the parody ones are left to mock this real life problem in countries under Sharia Law.
Christian women were raped by doctors who worked in Pakistanian hospitals, their sin? They refused to convert to Islam. Tribes in Pakistan, Afghanistan have been reported of killing daughters who were raped, when it was no fault of their own. They had the Burka, and all modest to prevent unsavory horny men from raping them, and they are accused of "wanting it, being a defiled being, their virginity being removed, made them a liability to their family, so killing them was considered the honorable thing to do!
Next time Mp you try to pass off Islam as something better than Xians, make sure the crowd does not have someone who studied their religion for ten years, and knows how they think, I think you knew this but were hoping to feign ignornace until you were called on it!
One of the best passages that has caused heated debates has been this passage.
"(QURAN 52:24): "And there will go round boy-servants of theirs, to serve them as if they were preserved pearls."
(QURAN 56:17): "They will be served by immortal boys."
(QURAN 76:19): "And round about them will (serve) boys of everlasting youth. If you see them, you would think them scattered pearls."
Arabic famous poet Abu Nuwas:
"O the joy of sodomy!
So now be sodomites, you Arabs.
Turn not away from it--
therein is wondrous pleasure.
Take some coy lad with kiss-curls
twisting on his temple
and ride as he stands like some gazelle
standing to her mate.
A lad whom all can see girt with sword
and belt not like your whore who has
to go veiled.
Make for smooth-faced boys and do your
very best to mount them, for women are
the mounts of the devils"http://www.albatrus.org/english/religions/islam/72virgins_and_boys.htm
im not disputing the evils of islam, however i cant recall a buddhist or other religion having so many pedo probs in western countries. takr for instance the us, 300 m is a lot of ppl, surely there must be many buddhists maybe a million or more. even with those numbers i have not ever heard off mass pedo priests or coverups there. plz excuse the fact im not american, i dont avidly readup about religious scandals. perhaps the most accurate thing that can be said about muslims, is most beliebers accept whatever cruelty their religion allows, and never report it. i dont doubt there are girls getting raped as part of some religious marriage, but still surely there must be a few modern muslins out there that see the evil in this. i find it difficult to beliebe all muslims in america fir example have all agreed to be quite on this.
i wont comment about pakistan, that country is more tribal custom based, they barely know how to read or write, let alone knjow islam. their practices and war against women goes back much further than their introduction to islam. im pretty sure xianity and even the jews were no different a few hundred years ago. the main differenc is we westerners have made social progress, while they remain ignorant and cruel. xians in africa are also filled w/ dumb practices and evilks aswell.
@newchapter the bible is silent on pedophilia, simply because it was'written by elites with an agemda for'power and manipukation. reading the 613 mitzvot shows this quite clearly. all laws are about protecting the property and irhgts of the hebrew man. theres almost nothing about protecting women and definitely nothing providing some equality. the simple roeason is those men had all the rights and it was acceptable to rape little kids. take a look at roman history. many free men w/ the caesars being perfect examples were pediasts(sp). they all had and raped boys. the norms in that society said it was fine for a free man to give but nit to take. the slave could take but not give. in those days pedophilia was not a crime, so theres nothing to write. you can be sure if the hebrew jahwists priests wouldnt bother writing anything good about women, they sure would not write any rights for slaves.before anyone jumps, yes i know slaves were protected from death by beatings, but they were also the sexual propwrty of the master. as a reminder lets not forget jospeh and potiphars wife. josephs crime was two fold, he offended his master by disobeying but also posed a threat to his manhood by potentially being competition to his wife. no egyptian would accept the possibility of anotherman especially a foriegner and servant father children by his breeding stock or wife. i also seem to recall somewhere in genesis, jospeh marries an egyptian women witha sismikar name anyway.
... slavery was acceptable in those days hence there are no statements by rich hebrew priests against it.
There was a case recently a bout pedophilia in the Jewish Hasidic community.
Buddhists, muslims, hindus, and on and on.
hindus, scientologists, pedophilia is equal opportunity and not religiously driven, there are sports organizations, organizations like the Boy Scouts, school systems, that have pedophilies in their midst. That is not the issue, the issue is how do they deal with these people, get rid of them, and how do they help the victims.
i wouldnt doubt that non xian religions are more honest about pedophilia, unlike self righteous xianitiy. ultimately the hypocritical stance by xianity makes the scandals that much worse when they do happen.
btw sure muslims and others have pedo problems but the news articles are far fewwer in volume.
BA=Tabari is not a recognized hadith or anything else. A historian but not accepted as authoritative in Islam.
I gave a recognized definiton of pedophilia, not a convenient or sensationalizing definition.
What country sells soiled little girls panties in vending machines? Japan is Buddhist. (snopes Japan/panties/vending machine) They have an entire pedophilia supportive culture and porn representing young girls is a specialty. I don't know what that's all about, but it seems like it is not a minor phenomenon from what I read about it. The fascination is very evident in that primarily Buddhist culture. I do not know how much blame you will ascribe to Buddhism, just as I don't think that Chrisitanity/JWs/Catholics/ldS or any reliigon gives any kind of support religiously to such behavior (however I am entirely ignorant of Buddhism, so if anyone knows differently, do tell)
Organizationally, the WT did give support in fact, even if they give lip service to hating such activity,just as other churches/religous orgs have effectually done.
yes i know about japan and their special train carriages for men and others for women. while they be pigs their religions dont have scandals like xians in thewest. when they do happen and im sure they do its entirely non religious.
in the end jp in this case is more open about. i cant really comment if they pedophilia in the way it is disgusting to us in the west.
People use the covering guise of religious virtue and innocence in many religious organizations to hide their evil social behaviors,
good to see the JW organization is now being exposed and is to not immune to this societal social phenomenon.
This relates to all religions.
Christianity might up the ante by offering forgiveness of all sins.
JWS might up the ante even more by their doctrinal law that states that two people must be a witness to
many wrong social behaviors by their adherent members.