The Episcopal Church of the Americas has program called Safeguarding God's Children. Any teenager or adult who works with youths and children in the church or at seminars or camps, anything church related really, must attend that training program and pass a background check.
Why do only xian religions have soo many pedo problems ?
by mP 40 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
Band on the Run
Pedophilia is a human condition, not a religious one. Since our society is Christian by tradition only, we hear about the cover up by the Churches worried about scandal and liability. I am absolutely convinced this happens among atheists, Buddhists, HIndus, Moslems, Sikhs, any religion at all. We don't read HIndi or Arabic newspapers so we don't know.
We also have a free press. The press is heavily restricted in other parts of the world. They are not allowed to print things that would show the society in a bad light.
Isn't it disgusting that our spiritual havens clearly care for their cash reserves more than innocent children. I hope that all this adverse publicity will result in their power being curtailed.
Reporting to the government to investigate (not necesarily convict) does not negate any religion's doctrine. They reside in society, like it or not. OUr roads, hospitals, emergency crews, energy infrastructure, internet connections are all used by them. They are not immune from criminal laws.
What is reported means very little in getting an acuurate overall picture. I have talked with health and medical personnel that tell me Islam has a much higher rate of child sodomy and abuse sexually. But you'll see that in the news, like NEVER.
The more fundamentalist a people are, the more of a righteous guise they must create to obfuscate the primal side of their nature. That means the primal side of their human nature needs an outlet, but it has to be concealed to maintain that look. The more radical a culture is, by the same amount their purported need for sex and primal fulfillment will be. The whole Christian TV scandals of a few years back illustrated this.
I highly recommend this book... read it years ago, and it is simple and life-changing. Kinda matches C.S. Lewis ideas about sin actually, though it is not a Christian book. Get it!!
You can't hide the "devil" behind your coattails, but you can let him out to play once in awhile (on a leash). Basically, it hints at understanding your human nature and learning to control it so you don't act weird and perverted, or overly chartismatic. Those are the danger signs. That's why fundys often creep me out... I can see through the thin veneer of holiness by watching them and how they talk (ignore what they say).
Also not a Christian book.
Randy, who knows his Dogz.
Bubblegum Apotheosis
Thank you Randy!
Yes, and if you read some biographical tales like Princess: Behind the Veil in Saudi Arabia, and others, you will discover that Sharia Law prevents the western world from finding out what really happens in countries that are ruled by clerics, like Saudia Arabia, which is a Kingdom, and not subject to laws as we know them. Pedophilia is rampant.
ALso, I would like to mention that though we don't see it on the news, many child brides are forced into marriages here, where the culture dictates arranged marriages. There was a famous case quite recently, in Montreal, where the father killed his daughters and ex-wife, because she was helping them to live a Canadian,,,, 'FREE', lifestyle.
It's not that Xtian relgions have so many problems,,, it's that we are beginning to talk about it, and have rights for the children.
Similar to what Randy has said above...
It is one of many bad and inevitable outcomes of fallen humans pursuing destructive supremacist self-righteousness and external transformation through the discredited mechanisms of legalism (rules), moralism (external code of conduct), ethnocentrism (doctrine) and Gnosticism (or "special" knowledge).
In plain English: all religion sweeps the outside clean and internalises the filth to hide it. Jesus called it "whitewashing graves", "washing the outside of the cup", "gnat straining" and "camel gulping".
In contrast the unabridged gospel/bissar/injeel/injil leads one away from religion/ists and down a path of authentic and organic (natural) inner transformation. Sadly however most Christians, Jews and Muslims are equally ignorant of this central, healing and transformative message contained in their own Judeo-Christian-Muslim foundational texts (the Bible).
Mohamed was a Pedo
It's found in virtually any organization or regime with an authoritarian power structure, in no small part because of how authoritarian power structures are, well, structured. And what's more, that very structure makes the problem pretty much endemic.
In fact, the only way I've seen religions solve the problem is through authentic progressive reform; i.e., embracing fiscal and policy transparency, accepting the discoveries of history and science regardless of the implications, fairly utilizing the democratic process, and advocating positive community activism without ulterior motives.
Anyone expect fundamentalist religions (like the WTS) to start behaving that way any time soom?
Is there a list of numbers of non religious paedophiles to compare with religious ones?