What's with all the abusive believers?

by NewChapter 91 Replies latest jw friends

  • snare&racket


    The law doesn't allow slavery anymore.....despite the judeo-Christian god being such a fan he made a bunch a laws on how to do it properly... "how to own people for idiots".

    Thankfully we ignore this bullcrap as much as we ignore your concerns about gay people. Get over it. the fact that in America you are blessed with more believers is a bit sad, but also telling, because despite this you have morals higher than those of your own god. Or do you think your god was right to command that if a woman is raped in a city she is to be killed as a fornication...after all, if she had screamed someone would have hear her!

    Real smart god you have there.... All the best to you and your beliefs, but thankfully even the great number of 'believers' don't believe such verses.

    I dare you to say god was immoral to have raped women killed for not screaming.... Despite me knowing that deep down you know that is wrong. Be honest with yourself man, one sleeps much better x

    Snare x

  • NewChapter

    Is calling someone you don't know an alcoholic in public because the lord told you, abusive?

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