What's with all the abusive believers?

by NewChapter 91 Replies latest jw friends

  • shamus100

    It's the same phenomenon between believers who hold diametrically opposed beliefs. Mainstream religion has turned into nothing but a chain of abusive people. I was talking with my brother last night and he told me he was in a public bathroom and started reading some readily available religious literature that had been put there. He said the first paragraph was about how the reader was on a path straight to eternal torture in hell. What this is going to do is start a fight with people who don't believe in hellfire or don't believe it's so easy to "be on that path to hell."

    The Judgment of Satan

    Revelation 20 - 7 When the thousand years are over, Satan will be released from his prison 8 and will go out to deceive the nations in the four corners of the earth —Gog and Magog —and to gather them for battle. In number they are like the sand on the seashore. 9 They marched across the breadth of the earth and surrounded the camp of God’s people, the city he loves. But fire came down from heaven and devoured them. 10 And the devil, who deceived them, was thrown into the lake of burning sulfur, where the beast and the false prophet had been thrown. They will be tormented day and night for ever and ever.

    The Judgment of the Dead

    11 Then I saw a great white throne and him who was seated on it. The earth and the heavens fled from his presence, and there was no place for them. 12 And I saw the dead, great and small, standing before the throne, and books were opened. Another book was opened, which is the book of life. The dead were judged according to what they had done as recorded in the books. 13 The sea gave up the dead that were in it, and death and Hades gave up the dead that were in them, and each person was judged according to what they had done. 14 Then death and Hades were thrown into the lake of fire. The lake of fire is the second death. 15 Anyone whose name was not found written in the book of life was thrown into the lake of fire.

    In Revelation 20 we have this scene where the forces of righteousness have won the Last Battle and get to vanquish evil. The Beast and the False Prophet are immediately thrown into the lake of the fire to be tortured forever, there is no hope for them. However after that the entirety of humanity is judged according to their deeds. If they have too many bad deeds, likely of a similar vein to the Beast and False Prophet (who were just cast into the fire), their name will not be located in the Book of Life and therefore cast into the fire too. This implies that your name starts in the Book and then can be taken out upon too many bad deeds. It's a Manifest of Righteousness.

    For reasons of an arrogant and presumptuous nature many churches tell people that they are NOT in the Book of Life, as if they have information that isn't available to the public about how to tell. Even though being in the Book of Life or not is attached to deeds which cannot be known with human limitations. The dead cannot have more deeds so they are either in or they are out. However the living have not committed all their deeds yet so for any church to create literature for strangers to read should not judge them at all. However most of them do and that is probably the type of deed that is in line with the False Prophet of Revelation 20. So, threatening hellfire to someone who has not had the chance that Revelation alots to them is abusive. This kind of abuse is passing away with time and the atheists are helping a great deal with this.

    Atheists, however, need to recognize the clear distinction between abusive and non abusive believers. If a believer wants to assert that hellfire is real then they also need to realize that it's attached to deeds of which they are incapable of fully knowing for any individual. Abusive language and emotional break down are not a fraction as bad as teaching that no matter what you are going to burn forever unless you listen to a religious spiel.



  • mrsjones5

    Hail Thor!

  • sabastious
    Not sure how this became a theological debate---however I hold that believers should stop abusing atheists. And the rest of my statement is hidden in invisible ink---if you care to know it, just highlight. This message is not complete.
    a·bu·sive /?'byo?osiv/
    1. Extremely offensive and insulting.

    Can you please give a detailed explanation of said abuse with examples from this forum? What I have seen is that many atheists here have thin skin when it comes to insults. It's impossible to be insulted by someone who is using a fake god ideology to do it. If you could somehow magically remove the theology from the believer the insults would go with it. However, with atheists it's different because they will stand behind their insults because they assert that they have no emotional connection to the discussion. Whereas the believer admits they have an emotional connection because of their strong belief that is tied to their experience.

    The atheists are required to be the "better people" because emotions are to be left out. So, bringing up the fact that "believers can be abusive" is just not a very substantial argument. They don't know better because they are following a belief rather than a rational. The atheists however are constantly telling believers that they prefer atheism because they prefer being real. What is real is that people who believe in God will get emotional and there is no sense in trying to control it. You have to be the bigger person, NC, because there is no other position for a rational thinker to take. God is an excuse, yes, but to the believer it's a valid one even though it wont be in the atheist world. Sticks and stones?


  • shamus100

    Not sure how this became a theological debate---however I hold that believers should stop abusing atheists. And the rest of my statement is hidden in invisible ink---if you care to know it, just highlight. This message is not complete.
    a·bu·sive /?'byo?osiv/
    1. Extremely offensive and insulting.

    Can you please give a detailed explanation of said abuse with examples from this forum? What I have seen is that many atheists here have thin skin when it comes to insults. It's impossible be insulted by someone who is using a fake god ideology to do it. If you could somehow magically remove the theology from the believer the insults would go with it. However, with atheists it's different because they will stand behind their insults because they assert that they have no emotional connection to the discussion. Whereas the believer admits they have an emotional connection because of their strong belief that is tied to their experience.

    The atheists are required to be the "better people" because emotions are to be left out. So, bringing up the fact that "believers can be abusive" is just not a very substantial argument. They don't know better because they are following a belief rather than a rational. The atheists however are constantly telling believers that they prefer atheism because they prefer being real. What isreal is that people who believe in God will get emotional and there is no sense in trying to control it. You have to be the bigger person, NC, because there is no other position for a rational thinker to take. God is an excuse, yes, but to the believer it's a valid one even though it wont be in the atheist world. Sticks and stones?


    Not sure how this became a theological debate---however I hold that believers should stop abusing atheists. And the rest of my statement is hidden in invisible ink---if you care to know it, just highlight. This message is not complete.
    a·bu·sive /?'byo?osiv/


  • mrsjones5

    Sounds like someone needs two witnesses.

  • NewChapter

    Shamus----explosives with permit only. What have you to say for yourself?

  • shamus100

    Shamus----explosives with permit only. What have you to say for yourself?


  • NewChapter

    LOL Sab----you miss the satire of my thread. Perhaps if you look at the invisible ink and go on my treasure hunt. However, this bears repeating a THIRD time, because it is absolutely precious.

    The atheists are required to be the "better people" because emotions are to be left out. So, bringing up the fact that "believers can be abusive" is just not a very substantial argument. They don't know better because they are following a belief rather than a rational. The atheists however are constantly telling believers that they prefer atheism because they prefer being real. What is real is that people who believe in God will get emotional and there is no sense in trying to control it. You have to be the bigger person, NC, because there is no other position for a rational thinker to take. God is an excuse, yes, but to the believer it's a valid one even though it wont be in the atheist world. Sticks and stones?

  • FlyingHighNow
  • palmtree67

    It appears that atheists do not have the same persecution complex that believers have.

    I don't think this thread is going to go far.

    Unless the monkey continues to post.

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