Yes, the believers here keep saying they are deserving of special treatment.....I'm sorry, but I very much disagree.
True personal responsibility brings about lasting peace, palmtree. It was something that Christ taught and it's that message that has been warped, lost, found and rewarped into something it never was for many different purposes. It's a bit of a misrepresentation of me to say I think believers are deserving a special treatment. If it's peace that is the goal, then the party who asserts that they are the rational group need to be the consistently rational ones. It's not that I am saying believers are in the right or anything, I am saying that the atheists have created a pickle for themselves. Atheists believe they have superior morals to believers, this is an important point to remember. Believers have faith in the morality contained in scripture and the mouth of prophets. They have a built in scapegoat whereas the intellectually honest group doesn't.
A believer who asserts that gay people are sinners as we all know are very much controlled by the society they reside within. Can anyone change this in the moment? No, in fact the only known way of getting a populace to accept alternative lifestyles is to wait for them to die while trying to secretly educate their children. The education will not affect them all so the future generations will continue the prejudice and you will have to wait for them to die too.
But thank you for finally admitting what the rest of the believers here deny - *you* are the ones with the double standard. And the lack of rational thought structure.
I put myself in a different category altogether. I am a peacemaker which will always try their best to see both sides, no matter how grimm and unpleasent. I am not a religious fundamental, but I am a theist. An atheist who sees no difference between theism and religious fundamentalism are just going to have to deal with the consequences of that misconception.
Sab ---you are ridiculous. UH OH---Let the believing brigade come and call me out---but I do not take this back. You are ridiculous. You have absolutely no respect for civil rights---you reduce believers to impulsive children---and you have offended both believer and nonbeliever. WHY DO YOU HAVE TO BE SO ABUSIVE? LOL
Your language could be considered abusive as well. I do respect civil rights more than you know, or can know.