Just came across this post, where a disfellowshipped blogger posted the letter from his Witness mother in which she cuts off the relationship between them. Although I was the one to slam the door and cut off communication with my viper of a mother, my heart goes out to this guy - it's to their shame that the Witnesses allow their religion to do this to family.
This made me awfully sad
by corpusdei 42 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Seriously! How can this mother say, "my love [will] always be there for you" when only three sentences earlier she wrote to her son, David*, "I must terminate our relationship."? WTF!?!?
WHY must she terminate the relationship? It's interesting that several times she made a point of saying that she wasn't coerced to write this. That is just so stupid. Where would a normal person come up with the idea to "terminate" their relationship with their own child?
JWs are so manipulated and mind-controlled. I am constantly amazed ... in a bad way.
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* David = the beloved
cult classic
What struck me in that letter most was the selfish point of view.... "I - I - I -"
What a loving mother, only considering her feelings. The witnesses are uber self righteous , arrogant, judgmental and just plain WRONG.
I posted him a message.
Abraham would be proud!
The scary part is they really think that they are doing the loving thing by shunning their kids.
yadda yadda 2
Natural love and affection for family members killed in favour of fanaticism. Sign of a false religion.
mynameislame: The scary part is they really think that they are doing the loving thing by shunning their kids.
Yeah I recently had an elder tell me that nonsense. I wished I said, "Then why don't you go home and ignore your wife for awhile. When she asks what's up just tell her your showing her your love by ignoring her!"
So stupid.
My therapist when I outlined the shunning policy said " I think that is simply the worst kind of bullying, and I would question their right to claim to be Christian".
She is right, it is an evil policy that in my experience never really gets the result that they supposedly look for, someone "restored to his former position in God's Org".
Those who do cave in and go back are never as they were, they have seen behind the curtain, they only go back to restore family relations, they no longer have a "love for Jehovah", and why should they ? His organisation just shat all over them.
So the org has just destroyed two more people. I just posted this on my facebook page. The mother says no one tells her what to do, but what she doesn't realize is that with all their articles about shunning your df'd relatives, they are telling her how to think.