'Mother thinks that shunning is the loving thing to do.'
Therefore shunning behaviour is compromised in the name of cult(or whatever). I agree NOT!
It was easiler to shun non-family members for me. It was Mainly because we hardly run into each other except at the kingdom Hall. I did shunned disfellowshipped witness at the KH by not carrying out any conversation with them but greeted them if I ran into them at the parking lot, at the door of the KH. 'Hi' 'Good to see you' 'keep it up' etc and at least smiled at them. I never took that as violation of shunning rule. That was encourgement! Nothing wrong to encourage your fellow human IMO, let alone your former friends.
As far as concerning disfellowshipped family members, we(my imediate family and I) never shunned them. We limited our association publickly but privately. We took in our DF'ed grown child once. He had no where to go. He just showed up one late night. He was in need and we made ourselves availble to him (I would have done it for anyone). For the consequences, the elders took Book Study out of our house and we were refrain from certain privilliage. So what? Our own advancement or whatever you call it, was last thing in our mind. We did what was right.
For mother to shun her own son and writing a such letter in believing it as a proof of demonstrating love, at a time when he needs her more than ever?
I am sorry it's beyond my area. I am not buying it. There's nothing will convince me for a such behavior. You can blame on cult and policing yourself at all times including activetly shunning your own flash, but then why don't you policing what you do to yourself and don't follow the rules for 100% of the times.
Have you ever drank overly as a loyal witness? Engage in oral sex? Engage in clique among your fellower believers? Did you ignore needy elderly? Have you ever saved unnecessary seats at the convention disregarding others need?...................
Who of us completely innocent in following any of these rules? Some of which DFing offense. Did you go talk to your elders out of love for your own salvation? Why are we so generous and excusable to ourselves(using imperfection excuse) and yet all of sudden, act like 100% rule follower when it comes applying rules to others including your own flesh?
My sister-in-law is shunning her brother. Her brother never treated her differently while she was disfellowshipped for all those years. Why different? Is she more spiritural? She is not even regular in her meeting attandance. Her brother was an elder, one highly respected by R&F, during entire time she was DF'ed. My SIN is living in morbid fear of elders and suffering with paranoia for sometimes and lacking a sense of Justice.
Encouraging your children to shun your df'ed ex is another thing I am furious. It's all out of selfishness. You only think about your own vendetta or agenda. You have no your children's best interest what so ever. You have no right to take their other parent away from them. (sorry for rant.)