Hey, there, Mom, love... the greatest of love and peace to you, dear one! Yes, it was both of your families that made me ask about. I couldn't understand how BOTH treated... and still treat... you two. Many things made my head spin SO much I had to ask. What I heard was, as I stated above, jealousy and envy plays a huge part (and neither are love).
I know this may be hard for some to comprehend... but some will absolutely see, if not identify with it... but he said many parents actually envy the conviction, intelligence, wherewithall, success, popularity, even the love the other parent has... for one or more of their children... among other things (there was more but I won't expound on that, here due to potential sensitivities of others). He said that these children are usually the "good" ones, when they're young, that they don't get caught up in the normal "incidences of youth" that [their] other children might... or not to the extent other children might... and so when these are perceived to have "fallen", such parents (and often siblings) actually derive some kind of pleasure about it. Often small pleasure, but not always. One of those "You always thought you were so... fill in the blanks... but look at you now; I TOLD you you were too... fill in the blanks."
He said that it isn't because the child is/was "all-that", but because of insecurities that the parent/sibling has about themselves... which they fear are more visible in the "light" of such child. Some harbor their own needs for attention and any given to anyone (that THEY haven't chosen to receive it) sets their teeth on edge.
But he also told me where this comes from: somewhere, in that parent/sibling's life, someone from whom THEY needed attention, regard, consideration... even love... didn't give [enough] of it. None, or not enough for that parent/sibling, as a child. Knowing this... helped me... to hang onto some of the love I need to have for others who treat their own blood like this. Especially those who believe they're adhering to the Bible and by doing so following God and Christ when they do it. They're not, of course. I wish I could help them see the meaning of the words at Isaiah 58:6-9 and how, by treating family as such, they are actually "profaning" the "fast" of JAH. Those verses state:
“Is not this the fast that I choose? To loosen the fetters of wickedness, to release the bands of the yoke bar, and to send away the crushed ones free, and that YOU people should tear in two every yoke bar? Is it not the dividing of your bread out to the hungry one, and that you should bring the afflicted, homeless people into [your] house? That, in case you should see someone naked, you must cover him, and that you should not hide yourself from your own flesh?
“In that case your light would break forth just like the dawn; and speedily would recuperation spring up for you. And before you your righteousness would certainly walk; the very glory of JaHVeH would be your rear guard. In that case you would call, and JaHVeH himself would answer; you would cry for help, and he would say, ‘Here I am!’"
(Emphases all mine)
They don't understand the "fast" of JAH, though, partly because they are following blind guides... but mainly because they won't open their own eyes and SEE God... through seeing Christ. His own siblings (and step-father) rejected him, called him mad, etc. But he didn't reject them; indeed, he even poured his spirit out on them. Joseph... forgiving his brothers who sold him out.
Take courage, though... and I know you dear, dear folks have... who knows that but you won't actually get to portray "Joseph"... and grant them the love and mercy that they have withheld from you? As I know you have been doing all along now.
You know I love you guys... forever and ever. Peace to you... and may JAH continue to bless and keep you, you AND your entire household, even those who have treated you horribly (may JAH forgive them; may our Lord plead for such for them, as we do).
Your servant, sister, and fellow slave of Christ,