cant be alone with sister in car....may have sex..are witness that bad??
by Witness 007 75 Replies latest jw experiences
they wanted to make sure there will be no fondling around and on the hot spots.
I'm guessing you mean: "A Sister" not "Your Sister"
Although I've never heard anything in a meeting or article, my elder relatives confirm that they are strongly encouraged by the CO to NEVER be alone with a woman.
Doubting Bro
I know of an individual that was an elder (married at the time) who had sex with a regular pioneer (not his wife, single)while waiting in the car while 2 other publishers were in the house at a long RV! The house was in the country so I guess no passerbye's could see. It came out later when this same elder was caught by his now ex-wife getting it on with another congregation member in the elder's bedroom. Wifie was supposed to be at work but came home early to that! I guess he detailed all his exploits to the JC.
"...t o NEVER be alone with a woman."
Because women are evil! They'll entice you to do unspeakable nasty things! Your self-control is no match to hande a woman, be it a young nubile or a woman in her golden years!
Don't think of blue!
Well, that's lame, when I was a reg. pioneer those were the fun times! All of us rebel teenager pioneers would load up the van after school and go on "return visits" we would just drive around the territory and drop off couples in the van at "studies" and come back in an hour.
It didn't happen all the time, but when it did, someone got their freak on!!
Disillusioned Lost-Lamb
Oh yes they're that nutso.
I'm alone with men, at my job, at stores, in waiting rooms, in parking lots and many other places too, and guess what? Nothing happens! No bad touching or sexual feelings, nada.
But apparently in witless land, if a man and a woman are alone, our pants will spontaneously combust and we'll be doing the nasty before you can say the word chaperone.
Yes. Every single time I was alone with a brother in a car I had sex with him. EVERY SINGLE TIME. I probably would not have, except that's what I thought was supposed to happen. JW's taught me that if you were left alone with a brother in a car, you had sex with him. I thought it was normal and expected.
Hi NC, interesting story. I'd love to hear more. Wanna' go for a ride in my car?
BTW, don't think of blue! ... lol