Colchester? TOWIE!
Has to be a unique message for Essex only!
by Star tiger 33 Replies latest jw friends
Colchester? TOWIE!
Has to be a unique message for Essex only!
but what is going to happen to Anti Typical Jerusalem?
Yes, remember them talking about a 'survival kit', that was over 20 years ago. Everything will be well past its used by date now.
Tewkesbury Congregation in Gloucestershire UK have issued similar instructions to the whole congregation.
Well you know who to blame for all this...
They might wish to stop doing that. As I now worship Satan, anything I do might be "things that some Satanists are doing". And I have stashed silver, batteries (the rechargeable kind for regular blackouts as well as the regular kind for longer blackouts), a fluoride filter, enough clothing to be comfortable down to a temperature of -10 C in my apartment if necessary, a stash of halogen light bulbs in case they destroy my LEDs with an electromagnetic pulse, and skills that I can use to barter. I also have plenty of really good lanterns, and a professional grade head lamp for in case we get blackouts at work.
Now, if I do that as a Satanist, the witlesses might think twice about allowing themselves to do any of these things. By their own standards, they don't do things "because the world does it" or "because people in Christendom do it". And now, stocking up on supplies designed to make hyperinflation more bearable (and even profitable), and blackouts bearable and even fun, could be something they don't do "because Satanists do it".
I have noticed an increase of talk about disaster preparedness. Pretty standard, common sense recommendations like having three days of supplies in the house, emergency contact lists...they even talk about individual families having bug out plans now, and of course want to know where you will be going if you bug out. They are even compiling records they are having dubs fill out with all this info.
Is this something seen in other congos? I am wondering how much of this is regional or is it directions DIRECT from the GOVERNING BODY?
Whoever doesn't prepare and stockpile for the imminent collapse of the capitalist world is a moron.
When you see Google, Youtube and world media CENSORING EVERYTHING you KNOW that now is the time.
see for example the massive demonstration in Mexico:
IT MAY BE A MATTER OF MONTHS. And NO you neither need to be a prophet nort directed by the spimGB to act with insight. The END of 2012 may not bring the END as some may predict but will bring the END of the current 'system of things'.
I heard that the dubbies are hoarding stuff here now.
Same as the 75 shite. they did the same then too...
I hope they are hoarding lots of toilet paper...cause they be full of s!#!#