While I understand and even look forward to comments all make on threads, I understand that what most people do (and rightly so) is add and expect a comment from others that reflects their personal opinions and convictions. Mine are no different, but my conviction is that of the science of philology.
My personal convictions regarding the God-or-no-God issue doesn't "play well with others" since I'm Jewish (read my thread about the gay Jewish JW I wrote about and you will see what I mean). Thus I have little to offer to support most atheists and theists on this board. I'm in nobody's corner on that issue, but I will fight for your rights to believe whatever you wish--as long as it's not JW doctrine.
Thus what I wrote is philology data, not theology, not an opinion, and I offered no formula regarding what to make of what I wrote. As a philologist this was all I could add to what I viewed were very honest views written by Cofty. As a scientist I can only work with empirical data, and in Scriptural discussions I can only speak about the text at its most basic etymological level. That all the empirical data a linguist has to,work with in this situation.
So Obliette, it's up to the reader to decide what the data means. I just mentioned that the narrative details in this ancient text belie many of the claims made by many theists, and that if the text were allowed to speak more for itself instead of through a pre-focused lens, the the theological results would be different and we might even be having a totally different subject to debate.
Sorry if people were hoping to find support for their particular point of view, whether you are atheist or theist. I might play devil's advocate once in a while when I am here, but it's always to promote discussion of the arguments at play. In the end I don't give a poop what you believe or don't or what conclusions you come to with any data I present. That's a job for a Jehovah's Witness to tell you what to believe and judge you if you don't agree with them, and I am no longer one.