if you were addressing fundamentalist Christians only - HMTM
I wasn't. A huge number of conservative christians, who would not describe themselves as fundamentalists, believe that the bible presents an accurate picture of god. I am addressing all of them.
Would that include yourself?
Christians are not monolithic. - HMTMI know, I was one for about a decade after I left the cult.
How do you define moral? - HMTM
That is an interesting question that I would enjoy discussing on another thread. In the context of this topic I would assert that infanticide is not a moral act. Passing a law that demands a rape victim should marry her rapist is not moral. Genocide is immoral. Slavery is always immoral.
The god of the OT approved of all of these things. Therefore he was not moral.
Jesus adored the god of the OT therefore he is not a reliable moral guide.