Found this website this weekend by JWs who recognize there are issues within the Organization and are calling for change. This is the type of forum MODERATE JWs needs, IMHO. Glad to see moderate JWs are out there and are doing something.
Website by MODERATE JWs who recognize issues with the religion
by Hermano 58 Replies latest jw friends
Cult can't reform.
I've never heard of a "moderate cult member". Let's be real here, they're still under the delusion that the WT is God's organization.
I agree, with a little more research these "moderate" JWs would see the truth of the "truth" There is nothing there to reform.
cult classic
Yeah, as long as they think God is directing the organization, they will think there is hope for it to morph into something other than what it is. A high control group. It is so important to fully understand what a cult is and how it operates to avoid wasting your life trying to change it.
There is a concept that is growing within Mormonism of 'cafeteria mormons' or 'new order mormons' - those who for whatever reason accept some of the churches teachings but not all. They seek to reform mormonism from within in various ways. I suspect the church views them as wolves in sheeps clothing.
I always considered myself a 'moderate JW' when I was in. I believed it was the truth, new system, etc, but knew the org had issues, and didn't believe some doctrines, such as the Adam & Eve story, global flood (thought both were just stories not to be taken literally), blood policy, etc. However in my case being moderate in a hard-lined faith created great dissonance that led to my exit. If only the GB was more moderate themselves, I may still be in... As said above, cult's can't reform.
It's a tricky one. I'm "non-reformist", because I don't think the Society will ever drop its more damaging policies. However, when contacting press and introducing myself to outsiders etc I frequently seem to introduce myself in ways that give an impression that I'm trying to bring about change from within. In a way, with I suppose I am, because I'm actively canvassing the opinions of JWs and reporting those results to the Governing Body yearly in the albeit tacit hope that they will change something, when I know full well they won't.
I suppose what I'm saying is, these guys may still be trapped in a cult, but they need to start somewhere. At least they have identified that something needs to change, and they are trying to go about affecting that change in the best/only way they can think of.
Actually I do remember something where LDS members did change church policy.
Within the old temple ceremony one of the acted out penalties for betraying the secret nature of the rite was to draw your hand across your throat as a symbol of slitting your throat. A lot of members complained and then it was dropped. The temple ceremony has changed in many ways (also for example there was a lot of nekkid touching in the temple that has now been droped ;) )
I've never heard of a "moderate cult member". Let's be real here, they're still under the delusion that the WT is God's organization.
Thanks for your thoughts baltar447. Not all JWs are the same, just like not all "apostates" are the same. There are some out there that know there are problems within the Organization.
And even within the classification of cults, would you not agree that not all cults are equally oppressive?