Website by MODERATE JWs who recognize issues with the religion

by Hermano 58 Replies latest jw friends

  • Hermano

    little more research these "moderate" JWs would see the truth of the "truth"

    And once that happens will they will either awaken and exit or stay and help others exit. Either way, sounds like a win to me.

    (Blonde-moment, let me take this opportunity to say I've enjoyed your youtube videos. )

  • Gayle

    did this site start that way?

  • Hermano

    There is a concept that is growing within Mormonism of 'cafeteria mormons' or 'new order mormons' - those who for whatever reason accept some of the churches teachings but not all. They seek to reform mormonism from within in various ways.

    Qcmbr, I suspect the same can be said about some Jehovah's Witnesses. And I for one, I'm glad they're out there!

  • Gayle

    did this site start that way?

  • baltar447

    Many would be shocked at something like Jonestown where so many willing (and cooerced) drunk the poisoned flavoraid. Others are shocked that some would sacrifice their children to pagan gods.

    JWs are nothing like that right? Oh, wait. Many willingly sacrifice their lives refusing a modern day medical treatment because of the extra-biblical opinion of taking blood into one's body. Many JW parents have essentially sacrificed their children for the same reason. The alternative? The loaded gun of threatening to take away your family, your friends, your whole social support structure, and possibly your livelihood.

    Yeah, they not equally opressive, not at all...

  • baltar447

    And I'm not attacking you or your position Hermano, just making a comparison that I feel is valid.

  • Hermano

    However in my case being moderate in a hard-lined faith created great dissonance that led to my exit. However in my case being moderate in a hard-lined faith created great dissonance that led to my exit. If only the GB was more moderate themselves, I may still be in...

    Robert7, that's something to think about. So, being a moderate witness created enough dissonance that it eventually led to your exit.... Sounds like moderation might be a good thing.

  • Hermano

    In a way, with I suppose I am, because I'm actively canvassing the opinions of JWs and reporting those results to the Governing Body yearly in the albeit tacit hope that they will change something, when I know full well they won't.

    Thanks for your feeback Cedars. BTW, I think your work on is great. You're giving the moderates a voice. Whether their voice is heard and change occurs from within, or they realize change will not come and leave possibly in a schism, I say either way, it would be great.

  • straightshooter

    I think moderation would be a good thing. Maybe this would loosen some of the chains that the GB control.

  • Hermano

    Gayle, I don't know the origins of the site. I just found it this weekend.

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