I was probably the first person in my family to be circumcised as an infant, because many men with foreskins have problems in hot tropical places where there is no such thing as AC. I've never felt like I missed anything. The practice is not as common in Latin America as it is in the US, although it is more advantageous there because of the hot climate. Other members of my family had to get it done as teens or adults because of problems, my father did not want me to go through it. My penis is circumcised, and it works just fine. Sex feels great. Those here that say there is a difference, have no way of knowing. Among men who have had it done as adults, some say it feels better, some say it feels worse. It is subjective. If it isn't as pleasurable it might be considered an advantage by some, because it might help some men be better lovers. Women also tend to prefer circumcised penises, since it is seen as cleaner. It also protects women's health. There is a reason the practice became widespread in ancient times in hot climates (especially dry), regardless of culture or religion. It conveyed health advantages. I've read that whole armies have been stalled on campaign because of cock rot. I've known about kids who went through pain because their foreskins were stuck back and strangling the head, which had to be dealt with by mom with rubbing oil on it to slide it back in place. Millions of men in Africa are being circumcised today as adults because of the health benefits with the AIDS epidemic.