It is natural to hate things that damage people. They did damage to you and would do it again given the chance; it is proper to continue hating them. They continue doing damage to innocent people, and it is proper to hate them for that. This "love everyone and everything" crap is itself damaging, since you are supposed to love those who wish to enslave you. Which gives them that chance, plus leads to soul degeneration and damnation. Not to mention, that fake-happy look where people appear permanently happy when they lack reason to be that way.
So when will I stop hating the organization?
by loosie 31 Replies latest jw experiences
Nothing wrong with hating the sociopaths at the top that run things. They know full well they're full of crap, demanding to be worshiped and obeyed as ignorant, old, self-righteous gods. Nothing wrong with hating the militantly ignorant people who refuse to read the Bible, refuse to research their religion, put on blinders and stick their fingers in their ears whenever they're too close to truth. It's a cult full of idiots, nuts, and people working it for glory, money, and power over others.
Eventually, though, you'll start to realize they don't matter. They never did matter, but they convinced you they did. The only power and authority they have over anyone is what is freely given to them. From elders to the Governing Body, they all have the moral responsibility to know they demand worship for a printing company and its literature. Anyone who's been an elder knows they have to reject Scripture in favor of literature and violate God's laws to appease WBTS's rules. If, for some reason, they aren't aware of this, then they had no flaming business being a church elder, because they don't know squat about the Bible or God. The rank and file have the moral responsibility to know they reject scripture in favor of man-made dogma and put faith in men and magazines.
You'll stop caring about them altogether and your experience as a JW will eventually all seem like a hazy bad dream. Anyone who's ever elevated themselves above a lifestyle choice they made, will understand what it's like to look back on their past and see it as almost a fiction or a glimpse at a stranger's life. People who simply coast through life and just follow the path someone else laid out will never know or understand this. Born-ins who never do any research and converts who never look further than what they're spoon (or force) fed are just mentally lazy.
The only reason people here defend the ones who stay and are gung-ho, active, line-toeing members is because that's what they were at one time, or still are. They shut their brains off, erased their own memories, sold their humanity toward friends and family, and joined or remained in the cult for all the wrong reasons (because there are no right reasons to be in a cult).
The WBTS wraps itself in the Constitutional freedom of religion to do things that would be illegal in any other type of organization. Where else can you tell people to allow themselves and their children to die rather than break their arbitrary rules that will change in a few months or years? Where else can you tell people to sacrifice their and their children's future to slave for a corporation? Where else can you harbor and hide sex criminals with impunity?
But the JWs and WBTS are not the only evils in the world and they're not the greatest. The only reason you hate them is because it's so fresh and close to home. Eventually, you'll not think about them any more than Hutus slaughtering Tutsis, the estimated 35-50 active serial killers at any given time in the US, an ex-spouse or lover, or the inexplicable popularity of "Jersey Shore". -
Kinda further to what OTWO said, I've heard that for as long as one has been in a "worldview", such is as long as it takes to be free of it.
Your mileage may vary
Maybe you will always hate the Borg. LOL, I know I do. Maybe you need to get some revenge- do something like wear a T-shirt that says '' on the front, and stand outside an assembly hall, handing out anti-JW flyers.
But anger can be good- so here's a quote from a book I keep working thro:
The gifts of anger are strength, honour and dignity. Anger is a very powerful, energising emotion. When we're in a state of procrastination, we sometimes get angry with ourselves. It's this healthy anger that helps to get us moving. If you are violated or offended in any way, the expression of your healthy anger will restore your dignity. Anger helps us to have self-respect.
I understand you. I love the people on this board, but I also feel like my attatchment to this place kills me a little. I think part of us even when we are out of the organization has such an ingrained need to be a part of it (opposition is a part) and so we end up here. Now many come here, not so much because they hate the organization, but for the support. That, to me is very important and healthy when leaving behind something that was likely a huge part of your life. Being here, for me, makes me angry about things I shouln't even be involved in. I have learned enough that it would take a blow to the head to get me to knock on someones door ever again, yet I still come here, several times a day. I guess its a form of therapy. But it makes me hate them more. It hasn't happened yet, but it will, i'll mess up and get in someones radar and get disfellowshipped, and then they will take away my family. And its all bullshit, but I used to believe it, and be judgemental as they were, and I hate myself looking back. There's people I want to look up and call and just say, "hey your human, i'm human, live and let live, don't let anyone tell you any different". Maybe I should.
Anyway, I got off track, I think you would have to be so over it tha you just loose interest in anything JW, in order for the hate to go away. I'm not there yet.
Anger is a great motivator and can be the catalyst for great change.
It is ultimately, empty, as it feeds on itself and usually destroys more than it creates.
rather be in hades
this is my first post here and this place (and many of the other sites) have been helpful.
like you, i wonder the same thing and i think you'll (we? me at least:P) will stop hating the organization either:
1. when it's collapsed under the weight of it's own stupidity
2. when you feel fulfilled in life. going back to what the one poster said about it being like breaking up...i think that's a perfect analogy and for me personally, i think emotionally i move on when that emptiness/sadness/whatever is replaced with something better.
may not be the healthiest way of doing things, but that's jst how things seem to be imo. in this case, i don't think i'll feel 100% ok with myself until i've made up for lost time and "fixed" myself. for me that means getting my degree, having a happy family life, learning how to feel comfortable in my own skin/in the world around me, gaining self confidence, etc.
Thank you for your encouragement everyone. Don't get me wrong I am a happy person. I love my life my family, husband and my job. I couldn't be happier with that part. But this WT group drives me nuts. I hate what they are saying about the conti case, I hate what they do, I hate that they break up families. I want them to know I hate them.
Maybe I'll just have to live with hating what is bad, and they are the badest I know.
:So when will I stop hating the organization?
The hate will begin to dissappear just as soon as you quit hating yourself for being sucked into it. Until then, your hate of the WTS is just projection.
Farkel, 25c Psychologist CLASS
I always think it will end on Thursday..So far No Luck..