Next Friday will mark my 2 year anniversary of not going to a single meeting. I went to the DC and on my way home I told my wife I had attended my last meeting. Since then, everytime I drive by a KHall I can't resist giving it the "middle-finger" salute. This may sound or look childish but it's a true expression of my disguss for the WTS and how it sucks away the life of people I dearly love who are prisoners of this evil cult.
So when will I stop hating the organization?
by loosie 31 Replies latest jw experiences
Sam Whiskey
Loosie, if your doctor told you that you had cancer and that you had 1 year to live, and that in exactly 365 days from now you would be dead, where would your focus in life be? I'll bet not on the witnesses. Now, I'm not a doctor, but I'll bet you're going to die someday, and that day will approach faster than you would like. Now....what will be your focus?
Sift through the good that you learned while being at the meetings as a witness (like public speaking, proper use of grammar, etc..) keep the good stuff and throw out that bad. That's how I did it. I have never had one day of anger or disgust, just moved on, kept what I wanted and discarded the rest.
LOOSIE- You may never lose your hate of the organization. I mean, there are some things in life that BECKON and CALL us to hate that which is just pure evil . The injustices committed by the WT society rank right up there with other criminal actions of psychopath's in history. Innocent JW's have died needlessly due to blood transfusion WT society laws , children have been molested needlessly due to WT society policies requiring secrecy and protecting child molesters, thousands of JW's in Malawi died needlessly due to WT society laws on neutrality while the WT society did not enforce JW's in Mexico to follow the same laws of the WT society and allowed them to serve and register in the military. JW families have been split up due to shunning policies enforced by the WT society thus causing many to commit suicide. WT leaders urge older JW's to will their inheritances, real estate, jewelry , life insurance policies, and retirement funds to WT leaders so that those LEADERS can add to their Billion $$$ corporate earnings .
I could go on and on. I ask you sincerely, what's NOT to hate about the WT society ? If you hate the things they do you are only showing that you are very, very sane and normal. It's healthy in my opinion to stand up for what's right and give no quarter to unjust organizations who kill their own
I don't give the org the power. Yeah I hate it. All the crap but I know that moving on was the best thing. I still have family in the box and they are lost to me as I am to them. That is ok. Like any cult the power is what you give it. Take that power away and they have nothing. Channel your hate in a positive way. Never ever fall into old patterns. Passisve, dominated, defensive. Establish healthly boundries, be firm, no BS. And repeat after me you are a wonderful fantastic positive balanced loving great person. ( And yes you really are) Rock Harley Bear Ridin Free
when? when yoiu accept 'it' ... accept things as they are, accept things as they are not. You can enjoy your life NOW.
ditto that
Like some other poster (I can't remember what he or she exactly said, but here's the gist) said, be glad you you're out now than live a lie the rest of your life. It's better to be out now than spend another 10 days, months or years in. I know it's hard to get over that you were lied to, but it also can't be healthy to harbor all that hate. Some take longer than others to get over this, and some never do.
I am of the opinion that we can sincerely enjoy all life has to offer, while still maintaining hate for unjust and corrupt organizations like the WT society. It doesn't have to rob us of our joy in living, yet we maintain a " righteous indignation " towards the pain the WT society has caused people. Just my 2 cents ( P.S. I'm not among those who think you are not " over " the WT society if you still hate them. That's too simplistic and black & white reasoning. We all operate our post JW lives at a different pace and experience. Can't lump everybody into one category. Double Peace out, Mr. Flipper )
The hate of the JW organization has a half-life dependent on you. It grows less and less over time (varies from person to person) but it will still always be there, in some small way. I just don't think it ever completely goes away 100%. Even if you've been out for 80 years you would probably look back on the organization and a slight bit of anger would well up.
Anger is not a bad thing. Is it wrong to be angry if you know it is hurting people and there is nothing you can do about it? It makes me angry. It makes me hate the organization.
I'm in my twenties and ive hated it as far as i can remember