"The managers where I work recently started bringing a cake to work once a month in honour of everyone's celebrations. It didn't matter whether it was a personal celebration (birthday, wedding, new baby, new house, etc.) or a professional one (achieving an accreditation or certification, or presenting at a conference) the cake was to celebrate everything.
You have to remember that the goal with these "celebrations" is that you are trying to build and maintain a positive morale among your staff. If you take away something that they are accustomed to doing, how does it benefit morale? Will it make your job of morale building easier or not?
@Scully: I would be happy to be a part of such celebration as above, which is general in nature and not specific to birthday. In fact, I don't have any problem in individually celebratinng, Wedding, New Baby, New Promition, New Professional achieve, etc
Understand that your beliefs regarding not observing the kuffar birthdays if it is the company's directive could put you in legal jeopardy for discri1minating against persons on the basis of religion. If you are serious about your beliefs to the point that you cannot stomach the thought of offending Allah by celebrating with the kuffar, you really would be better off seeking employment with a Muslim-only company.
@Scully: Again I have to say that I feel you have a personal prejudice against my faith. As explained earlier, neither we denote Non-muslims as kuffar nor the birthday celebration has anything to do with the religion of the person. I thank you for giving your time to respond to my posts but I don't think I would need any more of your advise because you are carrying much prejudice and stereotyping againsts Muslims.