Any HR Executive on board ? (How do you manage to not to celebrate employee

by zatang 57 Replies latest jw friends

  • james_woods

    I still say he needs to be prepared to compromise or simply not take the job.

  • Miles3

    botchtowersociety, the good thing is Mohammed had time to do plenty of things during his whole life. And fondamentalists have a field day with this, as they have with the Bible and the Qur'an, quote mining according to what they want people to do.

  • james_woods

    IMHO, Miles3 has a point.

    BTW - it is Fundamentalists - unless you are trying to make a subtle Freudian Slip.

  • Yan Bibiyan
    Yan Bibiyan

    "BTW - it is F u ndamentalists - unless you are trying to make a subtle Freudian Slip"

    james_woods, I wonder if you meant a slip of a sexual, a culinary or of an emotional nature...

  • Yan Bibiyan
    Yan Bibiyan

    And fondamentalists have a field day with this, as they have with the Bible and the Qur'an, quote mining according to what they want people to do.

    Then quote minig sounds like a perfectly acceptable strategy for posing counterarguments...

  • Miles3

    "Then quote minig sounds like a perfectly acceptable strategy for posing counterarguments..."

    I'm not sure you can conter-quote a fundamentalist (thanks James Woods). I don't think that strategy could have shown me the fallacies of my beliefs when I was a Witness, since we're expert at deviating arguments, and even better at interpreting/massaging scriptures. You don't fight crazy with crazy...

    On the other hand, pointing a miss of logic can put in perspective some claims. Maybe the OP can get that the fact so many Muslims don't act like him doesn't mean they're less (or more) True Believers, and that his dismissal of those that chose to celebrate the only "pagan" celebration he choses to object is distasteful. As far as starting the journey to realise why the Bible and the Qur'an can be used to promote pretty horrible teachings (hint: they are full of horrible teachings once you get past the True Believer's distortion field), that would be a tad ambitious.

  • Frozenout

    Just celebrate like this and you wont get caught

  • james_woods

    Well, it looks like our prospective HR manager has moved on without telling us what he has decided to do...

  • Scully

    BotchtowerSociety writes:

    new poster with a question who has not behaved offensively in any way.

    Really? Someone comes here - a place where former JWs discuss how their experiences as JWs, their experiences with WTS policy, including the forbidding of birthday observances on the grounds that it gives undue attention (i.e., "worship") to the person celebrating rather than to god - and basically intends to impose that mindset on others who do not share his religious beliefs in a workplace environment.

    Celebrating the holidays of the kuffar is haram.

    Frankly I'm surprised that more people are not offended at his assumption that we're willing to aid and abet his personal intolerances. We've kindly offered him some alternative suggestions, myself included. BTW, the reference to kuffar is directly from the link that jgnat posted on page 1 of this thread. I'm not refering to non-Muslims in a way that the Q'ran hasn't called us already.

  • Quarterback

    LOL, Frozenout...that was a funny picture.

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