British people are weird. I think there are quite a few over here that provided they were still called 'King' or 'Queen' it wouldn't matter if their name was drawn from a hat. Which it is pretty much now when you think about it.
The special customs, rules, decorum etc. have been used to maintain the class system in this country. You know I think if the person is polite and respectful that would be enough.
Just think for a moment. There is no systematic way in which the head of state of our country can ever be any ethnicity but white. I have to tell my kids "You can be anything you want to be. Accept the head of your country. You have to be from one family for that." Like I say it is fear of change. I can think of many people who I would imagine would do a great job of representing the country, even if it was just in a figuritive role. What we always get with these debates is what Cedars did. Show a person they think has no respectibility and say "would you want him/her?". Well of course not. But I don't want Elizabeth Windsor and I have no choice. And you know, if the majority of people did want Russel Brand, or Tony Blair or a.n.other who I or they think is not worthy then I would accept that as being the choice they made.
I am guessing for example that you don't like Obama, but you respect the fact that your system elected him and would rather that then King Obama until his death - even if he had no actual power.