What have you learn about life?

by jam 29 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • jam

    Witnesses, we were arrogant in regards to knowing all

    the answers to life mysteries.

    I have learn to listen. I have learn to think before I

    speak and not put my foot into my mouth.

    It,s A humbling experience. I have more compassion for

    my fellow mankind. I have learn to respect others opinions

    and not be so opinionated, if you say the sky is green and

    it looks blue to me(well hell) you see green so be it.

    Life is too short.

  • DesirousOfChange

    I have learned that JWs (and me by extension) do NOT have all the answers to the deep questions in life. Starting to search anew.

    I have learned that life will just pass a person by if they're too busy doing BS activities because they erroneously think they will have an endless lifetime ahead.

    I have learned that ALL religion is indeed a snare and a racket.

    I have learned that FEW things are either black or white. Most are a shade of grey, and the shade depends on the perspective of the observer.

    I have learned that if someone's thinking is different from mine, or if they choose to live in a way that I do not choose, then as long as "my bull is not being gored", why should I give a rat's @$$ about their choices in life being "right" or "wrong" according to anyone else's standards.

    I have learned that when it comes to TRUE FRIENDS [unconditionally], I probably won't have enough to serve as pallbearers when I die.

    I have learned about the pain of burying loved ones that I thought were supposed to never die.

    I'm sure there is more........


  • Heaven

    Everything is Energy, including our thoughts and feelings. You can alter how your mind works and makes connections. You can make positive contributions to this world. How you think, feel, and react to situations is key to how well or poorly these will work out for you and everyone else involved. We are in constant communication with everything and everyone on levels only now being realized by Science.

    There are 4 human needs: Physical - To Live, Emotional/Social - To Love, Mental - To Learn, Spiritual - To Leave a Legacy.

    Ignoring your problems only makes them worse.

    To focus only on one thing, will dement the mind.

    If we accept lying to ourselves and others we are on a path of disablement and destruction. And you will lose those you care about in your life.

    We are all connected. Every living thing on this planet is connected to every other living thing. One example: Argon is inert and makes up part of the air we breathe. Which means we breathe it in and out. We are all sharing Argon atoms that animals, birds, and our ancient ancestors have breathed.

    Without death there would be no life on this planet.

    To live outside the ethics of nature is destructive. It has been described by ancient cultures as a mental illness.

    To live sustainably will be our path forward.

  • iamwhoiam

    I prefer the simple path (formula)...

    Go with the flow of life + Stick with what works + Cut out what doesn't work = Measure of happiness

  • rip van winkle
    rip van winkle

    I have learned it is true that life is too short. Before you know it the grass is no longer green.

    I have learned that when you have love in your life whether it be from a spouse, a child, a parent or a true friend not to take it for granted.

    I have learned that waiting for "the real life" caused wasted years of actually living a life. The time lost cannot be regained.

    I have learned that the WTBTS and the F&DS are an illusionary representative of Almighty God.

    I have learned that there were more liars I associated with in the "Christian Cong" then I had ever associated in "the world".

    I have learned that when you give someone else the right to make decisions on your behalf you give up control of your life.

    I have learned that even I was not smart enough to realize I'm part of a cult.

    I have learned that even after your loved one is gone that the love not only remains but grows.

    I have learned that learning can sometimes be painful.

  • Mall Cop
    Mall Cop

    To live in the now, in the moment.

  • Ucantnome

    It's short

  • neverscreamagain

    As mentioned earlier, very few things are "black and white" and have overly simplistic answers or solutions.

    However hard you try to avoid it happening, you will have regrets about what you could have done different, changed, or a course of action.

    But the one thing you will never regret is being too kind to someone. Being and showing kindness is something that you can't do enough of and always comes back more than you gave. Karma?

  • poppers

    I agree with Mall Cop. I will add this, which relates to what he said. Only by living in the now can you really know who/what you are - discovering that allows you to really enjoy life without the burden of judging everyone and everything else around you.

  • transhuman68

    Nothing. I'm still a dumb ass.

    Welcome, strangers, to the show
    I'm the one who should be lying low
    Saw the knives out, turned my back
    Heard the train coming, stayed out on the track
    In the middle, in the middle, in the middle of a dream
    I lost my shirt, I pawned my rings
    I've done all the dumb things
    Caught the fever, heard the tune
    Thought I loved her, hung my heart on the moon
    Started howling, made no sense
    Thought my friends would rush to my defence
    In the middle, in the middle, in the middle of a dream
    I lost my shirt, I pawned my rings
    I've done all the dumb things
    And I get all your good advice
    It doesn't stop me from going through these things twice
    I see the knives out, I turn my back
    I hear the train coming, I stay right on that track
    In the middle, in the middle, in the middle of a dream
    I lost my shirt, I pawned my rings
    I've done all the dumb things
    I melted wax to fix my wings
    I've done all the dumb things
    I threw my hat into the ring
    I've done all the dumb things
    I thought that I just had to sing
    I've done all the dumb things

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