The artist who did this:
Artists or authors who are famous but who you are not that crazy about
by Chemical Emotions 61 Replies latest jw friends
I do love me a good "Piss Christ" though.
Author, Nicholas Sparks. His heroines are weak-willed idiots. I have hated any book he's written.
Chemical Emotions
yes! ugh, and in this case, I gotta say, "the movie was better than the book". How could it not be? :S
Lol! As long as it's shorter than the book, it's better.
Leno is so boring. I mean, really, really boring. His show just steadily oozes huge amounts of BORING.
I used to like Seinfeld but not so much anymore.
Yeah, I'm not a big fan of Warhol, but I guess he's ok.
What IS that second pic... floating basketballs?
Ok, even more sacrilegious than disliking Pink Floyd ...I find the sentence structure of Ray Franz's CoC a little difficult to deal with.
Chemical Emotions
I hate Nicholas Sparks too! HOW is he popular?
God, I love Piss Christ.
Floating basketballs.
Exhibited at the Museum of Modern Art, Manhattan.
Chemical Emotions
Hmm, I never read Coc...yet!
But as much I liked what I read of Heavier than Heaven-only about half, I'll admit, I never got the chance to finish it- (a biography of Kurt Cobain), the author's writing is sometimes hard to follow and "list"-like.
Oh!! My all-time worst: Stephen King. Arrrgh. I cannot handle the plotlines of his books. (I have enjoyed several of his short story collections however)
I have always skipped over any Nicholas Sparks books for some reason -thanks for the tip...