Agonus I can't believe you don't love Aerosmith! I hope you don't think TMBG is better than Aerosmith!
Artists or authors who are famous but who you are not that crazy about
by Chemical Emotions 61 Replies latest jw friends
Sorry Serenity but I'll take obscure infantile nerd rock over ubiquitous juvenile cock rock any day. :-P
"cock rock" lol!
I'm not a big fan of Harry Potter, but I have to admire J.K. Rowling for getting kids to read 900 page books. Stephanie Meyer on the other hand is awful all the way around. Edward is nothing but a pedophile in my opinion, he's a 104 and fooling with a teenager. Bella is just plain vapid.
While were on the subject I think Kristen Stewart is vapid.
At this point I would have to put anything involving vampires that was created after 1931 (the Bela Legosi Dracula) on the negative list.
Sooner: what do you have against LZ, I agree that they went down hill in later years but the first four albums are great!
Led Zeppelin Smed Zeppelin.
I just never have liked them and the constant adoration I hear from most people just feeds my raging hate-on.
Now let's drink
BTW Kristen Stewart is f****** retarded and looks like dog poo.
Chemical Emotions
Never watched an episode of American Idol
Lucky you!
Ok, perhaps I shouldn't say King isn't lazy- that is unfair. I just think that with his talent he could possibly write something better than some of his books.
Hey, Farkel! >:( Melville is good. He uses these ------> ; too much, however. What is with that, anyway?
Conan Doyle is good, but I can see how he might not appeal to everyone.
Degas is great! I've only recently come to appreciate his work. His compositions are great. They are so unique.
Chemical Emotions
I know he was actually quite bright and talented both artistically and technically, but Picasso never did much for me personally. The whole Cubism movement - just meh. Surrealism on the other hand... :-D
I tend to agree with that whol; statement, not just Picasso. I mean, I like Cubism, but I don't love it. I much prefer Surrealism.
Chemical Emotions
Sorry Serenity but I'll take obscure infantile nerd rock over ubiquitous juvenile cock rock any day. :-P
I'm not a big fan of Harry Potter, but I have to admire J.K. Rowling for getting kids to read 900 page books. Stephanie Meyer on the other hand is awful all the way around. Edward is nothing but a pedophile in my opinion, he's a 104 and fooling with a teenager. Bella is just plain vapid.
While were on the subject I think Kristen Stewart is vapid.
YES! And Edward reminds me of a typical abusive bf. Very creepy in a BAD way. Rowling is much better than Meyer, and I don't really like Rowling that much (never really got to read much of her books).