How are floating basketballs worthy of being called art, exactly? This is no floating shark. They're freakin' basketballs.
Artists or authors who are famous but who you are not that crazy about
by Chemical Emotions 61 Replies latest jw friends
Would this be jumping the shark in the art world?
Chemical Emotions
Stephen King is talented but lazy IMO. I think he COULD write better. His books are generally over-rated.
I loved Stephen King's non-fiction book, "On Writing". He helped me understand the inner workings.
Chemical Emotions
Jumping the Shark, lol, I only recently even learned what that menat...yes.
Chemical Emotions
Ok, I have to admit, I always wanted to read "On Writing"- I've read parts of it, and it seems really good.
Picasso, Jackson Pollock,
But I guess I don't get on thier wave lenght,, I think abstract impressionism takes a certain type of person which I'm not, maybe someday I'll get it. Van Gogh on the other hand speaks to me.
Band on the Run
My tastes have changed over the years. I am drawn to more sophisticated things than when I was young. Warhol is one that I do not see is so hot. The market is hot. I would appreciate his work. It is too hot commerically. Picasso-I used to despise. The more I've been exposed to Picasso, esp. Guernica and the Retrospective at MoMA, I love his work now.
I liked the Stones but never loved them. The Beatles music is good that it scares me. Dylan, too.
Frank Sinatra-used to hate him. I ended up collecting his music and seeing him in concert.
Joan Rivers.
J.D. Salinger
Some of the old literary classics don't hold up. Too lazy to walk to my bookshelf but a lot of them.
T.S. Eliot
Kim Kardashian-if she could qualify as an atrist or author.
Piers Morgan
Michael Jackson, to the nth degree. Overrated, except for a few songs.
Donny and marie
Many people I adore now were on my hated list. It is amazing what time will do.
Ralph Lauren designs
Estee Lauder makeup-all one zillion brands
Most of Piers Morgan's guests
Dr. Phil
Dr. Drew, since I found out that he received whopping compensation for pushing Wellbutri and never disclosed it to the audience.
Gayle King
Did you mean real artists? People of merit?
Have to agree on the Stephen King except the book about the cat and the various journeys. Can't remember the name?? Help now I am going to be bugged about that until someone sends me the name. Hate Hate Hate Taylor Swift. A mashed cat would sound better. Just read she is the high paid singer (?????) under the age of 30. I would preferher under a bus.
I so agree with Warhol (wannabe artist) and Sparks (writes pap)! (his books are no more than Harlequin romances!)
Gotta say, though, I love King, and especially his book "On Writing". He *is* a popularist novelist, but I see his works like Dickens and Shakespeare, who chronicled their times, and got little recognition for their geniuis during their lives.
Lazy? Like him or not, I think that is not the right word to describe this prolific writer. :))