Ditto to what Kent stated.
Tallyman has seen fit to make an unprovoked attack on me and my book,
"The Game Rules for Life."
Who are you, dude?
I don't know you.
I was trying to teach Schtinky a lesson in what "No Klass" is,
and pointed out that beside her posting name,
she puts a link to a Family BUSINESS WEBSITE
advertising "empowerment".
And $ELLING books and $elling Advice.
In a "cult recovery forum".
THAT is no class.
I clicked the website beside your "FREE"peace posting name,
and got a "Help for ex-Jehovah's Witnesses Seeking Comfort and Truth"
site, which, when I clicked on the "Finnish" link, I got this:
Table of Contents
Click Here to Read Free Excerpts
Order The Game Rules for Life
online for only $14.95! + $2 S&H
Order Your Copy Now!
THAT don't look too "free".
Another shameless business promo to $ELL a book for a site that
you titled: "Help" for x-jWs... hmm, "help" don't come cheep.
What do I say in response? "Hey look honey,
another attack on me from someone who doesn't have a clue about me
So, why didn't you roll over and go to sleep, instead of flapping
yer yapper and making a big deal out of it...
what a contradiction!
I would like to thank Tallyman for bringing this up.
Controversy is good!
Is that like the cheap No Klass Hollywood movie star sleaze
that says: "Any publicity, even bad publicity, is good publicity" ?
Is THAT why you're thanking me?
I have given away far more copies of my book than I have ever sold. I have offered my book free of charge here in this forum several times to those who would like to read it. Many have taken me up on it, and I have shipped it at my own expense around the world.
Is that why I can't find a FREE Downloadable copy of it on any of your sites,
like I just told Schtinky?
* http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/forum/thread.asp?id=22748&site=3&page=5
Hey man, this is the Electronic Age. Put it up on the Net.
Digitize it. Make it REALLY free for ALL to read...
instead of the "Excerpts" cited above in your advertisement.
Teasing excerpts?
Show 'em just a li'l bit and : : p a n t ! , p a n t ! : :
they'll soon want more, more!
Sounds like a porno site.
Hey man, I looked up a Motivational Speaker site which lists the
main players in the biz, and wonder of wonder, didn't find your
name there:
* http://www.motivationseminars.com/motivationalspeakers1.htm#LB
Didn't see YOUR name in this list of "famous" Mo' Speakers,
so you must be small potatoes ... uhh hey, maybe you need to
read your own book - TO BE A SUCKSESS, LIKE These Other Jokers!
What a Krock of Personality Kult Krap!
Conners, Scammers, Rip-Off artists, Pyramid Schemers, Multi-Level-Marketeers,
all the same sort of NO KLASS ACTS as the "Motivational Speakers"
Talk about a Big Kult Kamp Meeting when you go to one of these Whiz-Bangs!
The Empowerment Kult Leaders are up there on Stage Dancing and Prancing,
just like the Televangelists, and whipping the Krowd up into a Frenzy,
and Barking Out Cheesy Slogans and have the audience repeat after them...
yelling, screaming, hollering and ALL the Motivational Kultists
Khiming in Unison, in Blind Konformity.
Reminds me of the PromiseKeepers Kult, and their big Stadium meetings,
and the motivational speakers they get to whip them up,
ususally sports jocks or coaches full of shit and sports analogies.
"You can have everything in life you want if you'll
only help enough other people get what they want." -- Zig Ziglar
YOU CAN HAVE IT ALL! Just BUY My BOOKs! and Tape$! and my Big Mo' Kit!!!
SPEND $$$ TO MAKE $$$ !!!
The fact is that no book, article, speaker, or anything else will make you change or get "more success in your life." You must do it for yourself. The advantage of self-help books is that they cause you to think. And that is all I am trying to do, provoke my readers to thought.
Nawwww, what you're doing is not stimulating other to free thought.
You're giving them some New Age Shakedown - a prescription, a formula,
a Set of RULES to live their lives by, IF they expect to be a success.
Tallyman says that the link to my “commercial” website is posted in my signature tag. It is not. I deleted it quite a few months ago. That means he had to do some digging to find it. That means that he attacked me, unprovoked by me, by digging up the past. He was simply acting out of anger towards my wife, and he came up with the only thing he could. Wouldn’t it be better if he would spend his time upbuilding and encouraging others, rather than tearing down?
What the hell you talking about, dude?
How much time have I spent "digging"?
I simply clicked the site link beside Schtinky's user name
and it took me straight to your family BUSINESS WEBSITE,
with your products for sales, along with your consultation fees...
uhhhh-oh, ... are you going to send me a bill for THIS session???
I noticed in that website for motivational speakers and RATES they charge.
Here's what a couple of small fries charge for speaking engagements...
Fee Range Name Region
$10,001 - $15,000 Brian Holloway NY
$ 2,500 - $ 5,000 Michael Scott NV
Thar is BIG Money in that thar Motivational Schtuff.
What you charge, "Free"peace?