More Sept. 11 Stuff

by SYN 24 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • SYN

    Don't read this if you're not a conspiracy theorist...
    26 Reasons Why “White Collar Terrorists” Are To Blame
    for “America’s New War” and the Impending World War III

    1) The “terrorist” attacks were completely predictable
    and, in fact, predicted. Forewarnings were issued by many
    patriotic and heroic individuals to government and
    military officials well in advance of Sept. 11, 2001. For
    instance, in August, Dr. Garth Nicolson, Ph.D., and his
    wife Nancy Nicolson, Ph.D., among the world’s most
    esteemed Mycoplasma researchers and Gulf War Syndrome
    investigators, reported to Pentagon officials that they
    had confirmed intelligence that on Sept. 11, 2001 a
    terrorist strike against the Pentagon would be made. Their
    sources included individuals in key intelligence
    positions, the mob, and one high level African diplomat.
    Their “information was passed on to the Director of Policy
    of the Department of Defense, the Inspector General of the
    US Army Medical Corps and the National Security Council,”
    Dr.Nicolson wrote. “Unfortunately, it was ignored.”

    Likewise, Dr. Leonard Horowitz, the award-winning author
    of the prophetically titled book, "Death in the Air:
    Globalism, Terrorism and Toxic Warfare,"
    (; released three
    months before the attacks on Washington and New York,
    correctly predicted such a first strike on New York. For
    three years, based on government documents and
    intelligence reports, he had been warning “Metropolis”
    residents, “It’s time to move.”

    2) On Friday, September 7, Florida Governor, Jeb Bush,
    brother to the President, issued an Executive Order in
    which members of the Florida National Guard were
    activated, "for the purpose of training to support law-
    enforcement personnel and emergency-management personnel
    in the event of civil disturbances or natural disaster.”
    Perhaps the president and his brother received Dr.
    Nicolson’s warnings or were the source of the warnings?

    3) On Sunday night, September 17, 2001 CBS’s “60-Minutes”
    revealed that President Bush's close associates had
    suddenly, and inexplicably, sold all their airline stock
    just days before the terrorist attacks. The story was
    completely overlooked by mainstream newspapers thereafter.

    4) FEMA sent the Urban Search and Rescue Team to New York
    City THE NIGHT BEFORE the attacks occurred! One FEMA
    official, Mr. Tom Kennedy told Dan Rather on Sept
    11, "We're currently one of the first teams that was
    deployed to support the City of New York in this
    disaster. We arrived on late Monday night [that is, on
    September 10, the NIGHT BEFORE] and went right into action
    on Tuesday morning."

    5) Osama bin Laden and his band of “Terrorists” could not
    have pulled off the “sophisticated” operation of four
    simultaneous air hijackings, and precision directed
    attacks, without the support of one or more “intelligence
    organizations.” This was the expert testimony provided by
    past CIA Afghanistan operations director and bin Laden’s
    American intelligence aficionado, Milt Bearden,
    interviewed by Dan Rather on September 12, 2001. In fact,
    when pressed by Dan Rather to endorse the theory of bin
    Laden’s culpability, Mr. Bearden stated, “if they didn’t
    have an Osama bin Laden, they would invent one.”

    6) On October 31, 2001, the French daily "Le Figaro"
    reported that Osama bin Laden had met with a high-level
    CIA official in July 2000. At that time, bin Laden was
    already being sought for trial for his involvement in two
    U.S. embassy bombings and the U.S.S. Cole attack. The
    meeting was held in bin Laden’s private suite in a Dubai
    hospital. Though he was eligible for elimination,
    according to President Bill Clinton’s intelligence
    findings, on July 14th he was let go and left Dubai on his
    private jet.

    7) Every expert in the field of terrorism, up until Sept.
    11, 2001, routinely explained the fact that certified
    terrorist organizations operate in an effort to garner
    worldwide attention and support for their political cause
    (s). In the case of pro-Palestinian terrorist
    organizations, their attacks had been traditionally
    against American military facilities and personnel. This
    was obviously neither the intent nor outcome of the
    attacks on the World Trade Center.

    8) For weeks preceding September 11, 2001 international
    opinion regarding Israel and the United States had
    plummeted to an all-time low. Alternatively, pro-
    Palestinian attitudes had rapidly increased to an all-time
    high, particularly following the United Nations Conference
    on Racism wherein the U.S. and Israel had been chastised
    for their racist policies. Any intelligent pro-Palestinian
    terrorist group, such as Osama bin Laden’s legions, or
    intelligence organization(s) supportive to the Palestinian
    cause, would not have jeopardized the significant gains
    achieved at that time.

    9) Osama bin Laden took his direction and money from the
    CIA for ten years. During this time, approximately $5
    billion was funneled to his organization through black op
    budgets into CIA operation known as Maktab al-Khidamar—the
    MAK. It is clear, as a MAK mercenary army leader, bin
    Laden’s fortune vastly increased during that time. It is
    said that, “Once in the CIA, always in the CIA.” Could
    this be one of the intelligence organizations about which
    Milt Bearden was speaking? (See #5 above.)

    10) On Tuesday evening September 12, 2001 previous
    Secretary of Defense for the Clinton administration,
    William S. Cohen, explained to CBS News anchorman Dan
    Rather, that the terrorist attacks on New York and
    Washington were an aberration. He fully expected there to
    be a full-scale deployment of biological and
    chemical “weapons of mass destruction” very soon. This
    reinforced his earlier statements as Defense Secretary
    that a five-pound bag of anthrax bacteria in the hands of
    terrorists would likely cause the deaths of hundreds of
    thousands of Americans. We were particularly vulnerable to
    this “immanent” threat, he said. Many critical military
    observers considered these statements treasonous. Reason?
    At no time in American military history has a top level
    official broadcast internationally the country’s greatest
    attack vulnerability. In effect, his statements were akin
    to giving anti-Americans their marching orders.

    11) A sincere U.S. Government, truly concerned about the
    health and safety of American citizens, would be doing
    everything in its power to advance public health and
    educational policies for biological and chemical attack
    preparedness. Instead, such critical policy and advice has
    been left entirely to independent, often ill-
    trained, “experts,” at best, and special interests and
    media producers at worst. The mainstream media has
    completely neglected the simple things people can do to
    guard loved-ones, such as natural medicines (e.g.,garlic)
    to ward off infections such as anthrax.

    12) In July 2000, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
    endorsed one single largely untested and highly risky
    antibiotic, Bayer Corporation’s Cipro, for anthrax
    prophylaxis and treatment. Following September 11, 2001
    demand for this drug skyrocketed 1,000 percent, according
    to Peter Jennings in an ABC News report broadcast
    September 27. Pharmacies charged $700 per person for a
    mere two-month supply of Cipro. It is well established
    that far less expensive antibiotics, including the
    penicillins and tetracyclines, are highly effective
    against Anthrax. The Bayer Corporation during and
    following World War II had been blacklisted by the U.S.
    Government for being the principle profiteer, in
    partnership with the Rockefeller Standard Oil Company, for
    funding the Third Reich, their terrorist organizations,
    and Germany’s war machine.

    13) During the first week of October, the media heralded a
    bizarre anthrax outbreak at the National Enquirer near Ft.
    Lauderdale, Florida. By October 11, three cases of
    reported “criminal” anthrax infections had occurred. This
    form of anthrax--a classic biological weapon strain--is
    not easily acquired. It is distributed mainly by the
    American Type Culture Collection (ATCC) of Rockville,
    Maryland. The curator there is Dr. Joshua Lederberg, who
    is also the president of Rockefeller University.
    Preceding the Gulf War, the U.S. Congressional Record (May
    25, 1994, commonly called the “Don Riegle Report”) exposed
    the ATCC for shipping to Sadam Hussein’s Ministry of
    Higher Education and the Ministry of Trade, nineteen
    shipments of various strains of Bacillus Anthraces from
    1978 to 1988.

    14) According to investigators at the FBI, the Enquirer
    anthrax attack was not likely done by
    typical “terrorists,” but rather one or more “criminals.”
    For what motive? Obviously, whoever did this had a motive,
    and had access to weapons grade anthrax. That virtually
    leaves typical blue-collar “criminals” out entirely since
    skill in handling and shipping live anthrax would be
    required for this crime. The fact that, of all places,
    America’s bestselling tabloid was first attacked, then
    other mainstream media outlets, speaks volumes about the
    criminal motive. Since no one has claimed responsibility
    for this act, they obviously did not do it for personal
    publicity. Obviously, then, the attack was a white collar
    crime by one or more “white collar bioterrorist(s).” At
    least one Rockefeller-linked U.S. biological weapons
    official, Dr. Lederberg, and Rockefeller-partnered
    Corporation, Bayer (aspirin) that largely financed the
    Third Reich, and Hitler’s rise to power, had obvious white-
    collar (financial) motives for these
    contemporary “terrorist” attacks. This deserves critical
    consideration and further investigation.

    15) On October 1, 2001, Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz sent the
    FBI, as well as half the members of the U.S. Congress, an
    urgent request to investigate this matter. (See: “Apocalypse Prevention
    Project”) Included in this letter was the following
    statement concerning the links between contemporary
    terrorist organizations, the global neo-Nazi movement, and
    possible Bayer Corporation involvement:

    The Bayer Company [also linked to AID-virus contaminated
    blood products during 1980 investigations] evaded U.S.
    Government controls during and following the holocaust in
    which millions of mostly Jewish people were used as
    experimental subjects in medical atrocities overseen by
    I.G. Farben’s president Hermann Schmitz, who also
    directed the German–multinational Bayer A.G.

    Of urgent pertinence to the FBI’s current investigation
    into terrorism’s money trail, a recent investigation into
    terrorist group funding, issued by The Oklahoma Bombing
    Investigation Committee (OBIC) directed by Representative
    Charles Key, found “Neo-Nazi figures have actually been
    implicated in Middle Eastern special weapons procurement
    and terrorist activity.” For example, the group
    reported, “since the 1960s, an old Swiss Nazi named
    Francois Genaud has reportedly masterminded several
    airplane hijackings for the PLO.”

    The now defunct “Odessa” organization, the post-war
    successor to Hitler’s S.S., according to OBIC, “had
    numerous documented meetings with representatives of
    various Arab organizations; and, during the early
    1980s, a Neo-Nazi named Odfried Hepp attacked
    several U.S. military installations in Germany with bombs.
    Hepp was later found to have been financed by Al Fatah.”
    Hepp, OBIC reported, did his Ph.D. on “Neo-Nazi/PLO
    bombings of U.S. housing, cars and military facilities in
    Germany.” Given these facts alone, an FBI investigation
    into this matter is critical.

    I am also contacting congressional leaders at this time
    urging an immediate U.S. General Accounting Office (GAO)
    investigation into the FDA’s “advisory committee” that
    sponsored the unprecedented sole endorsement of Bayer’s
    Cipro for anthrax. Nowhere in the Physician’s Desk
    Reference (2000) is it claimed that Cipro is especially
    indicated for anthrax. In fact, Bacillus anthracis is not
    even mentioned. What is mentioned is that, “although
    effective in clinical trials, ciprofloxacin is not a drug
    of first choice in the treatment of presumed or confirmed
    pneumonia secondary to Streptococcus pneumoniae.” This
    organism, like anthrax, is an aerobic gram-positive
    microbe. (Likewise, Bacillus anthracis causes pneumonia in
    the form of commonly terminal hemorrhagic

    Furthermore the PDR states: “WARNINGS — THE SAFETY AND

    Alternatively, numerous bioweapons experts have
    consistently recommended far less costly and time-tested
    antibiotics to fight anthrax, including the natural
    and synthetic penicillins, erythromycin, cephalosporins,
    and the tetracyclines.

    As with Dr. Nicolson’s forewarning to military leaders
    concerning the Sept 11 Pentagon attack, the above urgent
    request by Dr. Horowitz for FBI investigation into this
    matter, to date (Nov. 5, 2001) has gone ignored. This
    strongly suggests, if not evidences, a conspiracy within
    our own government—a conspiracy of silence at minimum.

    16) Aaron Swirski, one of the architects of the World
    Trade Center, said they designed the towers to withstand
    airplane collisions. “I designed it for a 707 hit, he
    said.” The collapse of the buildings came as a
    complete “shock” to him and his colleagues.

    Van Romero, a demolition expert, former
    director of the Energetic Materials Research and Testing
    Center, and current vice present for research at New
    Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology said that the
    manner in which the twin towers collapsed, resembled those
    of controlled implosions used in planned demolition. "My
    opinion is, based on the videotapes, that after the
    airplanes hit the World Trade Center there were some
    explosive devices inside the buildings that caused the
    towers to collapse," Romero said.

    ABC News interviewed people who had
    escaped “ground zero” on September 11, 2001. One
    unidentified man said: "We were stuck on the stairs for a
    while. I came down from the 85th floor. When we were just
    about to leave the building, there was a blast." A woman’s
    testimony followed: "I got stuck on the stairs. When we
    got to the lobby there was a blast," she said.

    17) On September 11, 2001 President Bush was is Sarasota,
    Florida, "In Sarasota, Fla. “reading to children in a
    classroom at 9:05 a.m. when his chief of staff, Andrew
    Card, whispered into his ear, according to the
    Associated Press (Sept. 12).

    The president briefly turned somber before he resumed
    reading. . . .[Next] President Bush listened to 18 Booker
    Elementary School second- graders read a story about
    a girl's pet goat . . . before he spoke briefly and
    somberly about the terrorist attacks."

    Many are curious as to why the “Commander-in-Chief”
    of the U.S. took about a half-hour before he
    responded to the national security urgency, or even
    addressed the tragedies.

    18) The New York Times reported on September 15, 2001 that
    Pentagon officials had been tracking the second two
    hijacked planes for almost an hour following the WTC
    attacks because they simply “didn’t know what to do.”
    Regarding the plane that crashed into Pennsylvania "Paul
    Wolfowitz, the deputy defense secretary, said . . . that
    the Pentagon had been tracking that plane and could have
    shot it down if necessary; it crashed about 35 minutes
    after the Pentagon crash."

    Many are wondering why, if they could have shot that plane
    down, did they not shoot the plane down that flew into the

    19) Vice President Dick Cheney was interviewed on Sept.
    12, 2001. When asked where he was when he learned of the
    attacks, many were surprised to learn that he was alerted
    by his secretary who was “watching television” in his
    Washington, D.C. office. In essence, though the FAA had
    known at least four planes were veering far off their
    course, while the Pentagon, too, had been tracking at
    least two of the hijacked planes, Mr. Cheney received his
    initial intelligence report by way of television through
    his clerical secretary.

    20) “Drugs and terrorism go hand in hand,” wrote
    investigative journalist and retired LAPD officer Michael
    C. Ruppert ( “Conveniently ignored
    in all of the press coverage since the tragic events of
    Sept. 11,” Mr. Ruppert wrote, “is the fact that on May 17
    Secretary of State Colin Powell announced a gift of $43
    million to the Taliban as a purported reward for its
    eradication of Afghanistan's opium crop this February.
    That, in effect, made the U.S. the Taliban's largest
    financial benefactor according to syndicated columnist
    Robert Scheer writing in The Los Angeles Times on May 22.”

    21) “Now as US military action will replace the Taliban
    government and fresh crops will be planted in
    Afghanistan,” Mr. Ruppert continued, “the slack in cash
    flow will assuredly be replaced by dramatically increased
    opium production in Colombia; the revenues from that
    effort being needed to maintain the revenue streams into
    Wall Street. Prior to the WTC attacks, credible sources,
    including the U.S. government, the IMF, Le Monde and the
    U.S. Senate placed the amount of drug cash flowing into
    Wall Street and U.S. banks at around $250-$300 billion a

    22) Mr. Ruppert also revealed that an Executive Director
    at the CIA named A. "Buzzy" Krongard is suspected of Wall
    Street profiteering from foreknowledge of the Sept 11
    attacks. Formerly with Bankers Trust catering to the
    world’s wealthiest clients of the Deutsch Bank. (The
    Deutsche Bank is heavily implicated in Dr. Len Horowitz’s
    book Death in the Air: Globalism, Terrorism, and Toxic
    Warfare released in June, 2001) In 1999, Mr. Krongard left
    Deutsch Bank for his present high-level job in the CIA.
    Enormous quantities of "Put" options were handled through
    the Deutsche Bank, which allowed the options buyers to
    earn profits in the event the value of airline stocks went
    down. The appearance of advance knowledge of Sept. 11 is
    so strong that to date

    $2.5 Million of the $20 Million in profits earned on those
    unusual trades, remains unclaimed, possibly by Mr.
    Krongard, or other affiliates of the CIA.

    23) Many journalists have reported that the bombing of
    Afghanistan, allegedly intended to punish the Taliban for
    affiliations with Bin Laden, is simply a cover for that
    government’s reneging of support for an oil pipeline
    through Afghanistan from the vast Caspian Sea oil fields.
    Sept. 11, provided a great excuse to pursue this
    petrochemical, economic, and “national security”

    24) On December 20, 1997, the national newspaper CONTACT:
    The Phoenix Project, published an interview on anthrax
    biowarfare threats and vaccinations in which Dr. Leonard
    Horowitz was asked “about the government’s pressure to
    vaccinate [using the anthrax vaccine] and the bioweapons
    scare tactics, etc.” He responded: “Look at the motive
    behind the persuasion, and what is it? They’re preparing
    to blame it on the Muslims, Christian patriots, and
    militia groups. The militia groups are already
    dysfunctional because they’re penetrated by

    This is precisely what followed in the wake of the 9-11
    attacks. Muslim groups were blamed for the 9-11 attacks.
    Christian patriots were blamed for the anthrax mailings.
    Militia groups were entirely silenced and even implicated.
    And false patriotism in which Americans welcome the
    destruction of basic constitutional liberties with CIA
    command over the entire U.S. military and Government has
    come to pass.

    25) On October 31, 2001 the American people and U.S.
    Constitutional freedoms were attacked, not by the Taliban
    government or Muslim terrorists, but by CDC officials who
    advanced the “Model State Emergency Health Powers Act”
    that will force masses of people suspected of exposure to
    broadly-defined “infectious diseases” and biological
    weapons into concentration camp-like holding facilities
    for drugging, vaccination, and quarantine, without any
    viable legal recourse.

    26) The entire 9-11 tragedy and subsequent threats to U.S.
    national and global securities fits far too perfectly with
    standard Machiavellian theory to be overlooked. This
    ongoing practice—the “problem/reaction/solution” agenda of
    precisely “managed chaos”—appears to be standard operating
    procedures for oligarchs historically bend on developing
    a “New World Order.” Sadly now for the American people, as
    it has been for the Third World, this effort includes
    killing approximately half of the world’s current

    The earlier in the forenoon you take the sun bath, the greater will be the beneficial effect, because you get more of the ultra-violet rays, which are healing. - The Golden Age

  • JeffT

    Do you have sources for any of this nonsense?

    example: cipro has been around for years.

    I can't even bother to address the rest of this until you cite original sources.

  • SYN

    I didn't say I agreed with it...although it rings some bells.

    Care to site one or two examples of things you disagree with? I merely post things like this so I can have a nice, friendly discussion with people about conspiracy theories. They're THEORIES, so we'll discuss their relative merits as such, please. Otherwise feel free to move along to another thread.

    The earlier in the forenoon you take the sun bath, the greater will be the beneficial effect, because you get more of the ultra-violet rays, which are healing. - The Golden Age

  • SYN

    BTW, the FDA began endorsing Cipro, I know that it's been around for years too. Just because the FDA didn't endorse it doesn't mean I'm saying it wasn't around. The real point of the article is that the FDA should have endorsed something else that would have been cheaper and just as effective (like penicillin (SP?) or tetracycline) but they endorsed the expensive Cipro. This all ties into who is drawing the strings at Bayer and the FDA and the vast profits this resulted in for them...but even the Cipro stuff isn't what I'm truly concerned about.

    The earlier in the forenoon you take the sun bath, the greater will be the beneficial effect, because you get more of the ultra-violet rays, which are healing. - The Golden Age

  • dubla


    i realize you dont neccesarily agree with the 26 reasons....having said that, i think most of them are simply wild imaginations. ill respond to a few:


    ...reported to Pentagon officials that they
    had confirmed intelligence that on Sept. 11, 2001 a
    terrorist strike against the Pentagon would be made.
    sadly, through the years we have had thousands of "confirmed" reports that an attack would happen at a certain point in time; a specific day, a specific month, etc., that have went the awareness is at a new level. the vast majority of these "confirmed" attacks have never come to pass; just look at all the confirmed reports of terrorist acts since sep 11th that havent happened. the problem is what to do with a "confirmed" report. do we blast it all over the airwaves and send america into a panic, not knowing exactly how the assumed attack will come? the previous policy was to NOT publicly declare these reports, but things have changed obviously, which is why we get every little alert that comes across the wire fed into our homes now. what should the boys at the pentagon have done......complete lockdown on sep 11th because of one report (if in fact this source is even legit)? maybe i suppose.


    President Bush's close associates had
    suddenly, and inexplicably, sold all their airline stock
    just days before the terrorist attacks.
    id have to see the facts on this one...perhaps watch the program if indeed 60 minutes did prove this. if so, i cant see how it wouldn raise eyebrows, including mine.


    FEMA sent the Urban Search and Rescue Team to New York
    City THE NIGHT BEFORE the attacks occurred!
    this one sounds completely fabricated.


    Osama bin Laden and his band of “Terrorists” could not
    have pulled off the “sophisticated” operation of four
    simultaneous air hijackings, and precision directed
    attacks, without the support of one or more “intelligence
    anyone who has watched the programs on how they did it (which most of us have) know it was a lot simpler than any of us imagined at first. in fact, the actual hijackings and flight paths werent sophisticated at all, but obviously there were years of planning behind it.


    Every expert in the field of terrorism, up until Sept.
    11, 2001, routinely explained the fact that certified
    terrorist organizations operate in an effort to garner
    worldwide attention and support for their political cause.......This
    was obviously neither the intent nor outcome of the
    attacks on the World Trade Center.
    im lost here.......politics played a huge part in their intent! they want worldwide support of their belief that we should not be in the holy land. obviously, there are other motives behind it as well, such as the fact that bin laden believes every american should be wiped from the face of the earth, but im not sure how this supports any white collar conspiracy.


    Osama bin Laden took his direction and money from the
    CIA for ten years.
    we also supplied to afghanistan that stinger missle that just killed 7 of our troops.......surely we werent behind that "fire" order.


    The mainstream media has
    completely neglected the simple things people can do to
    guard loved-ones, such as natural medicines (e.g.,garlic)
    to ward off infections such as anthrax.
    this is a joke, right? the government isnt sincere about its plans to protect americans because they arent promoting enough garlic consumption? lol.


    According to investigators at the FBI, the Enquirer
    anthrax attack was not likely done by
    typical “terrorists,” but rather one or more “criminals.”
    For what motive?
    my guess would be this is someone who had been planning the anthrax attack for some time (uni bomber style), and now had the perfect opportunity to push the blame on someone else (thus the letters about "allah", etc.). that is a total guess though, and i could be WAY off.

    anyhow, theres a few of my thoughts.....most of the reasons youve posted seem far-fetched and fabricated....but it wouldnt be a conspiracy theory otherwise, right?


  • SYN

    I didn't write the article...and those are some valid points there. I think the main ones are

    A) The airline stocks thing
    B) The fact that the airplanes were flying so fast when they hit that they were almost shaking apart - and it's pretty tough for anyone but an experienced pilot to fly a 747 like that...
    C) Boxcutters? Puh-leeze!
    D) Remote control circuitry that's been in jets like that for the words zero-visibility landing meaning anything to anybody here?
    E) Many people heard explosions and stuff after the planes hit. Big explosions. Sort of like demolition crews would cause.
    F) One of the engineers said that the towers were designed for that sort of impact anyway and shouldn't have crumpled as neatly as they did.
    G) Nobody but government officials was allowed to lookat the wreckage they carted away...fishy! Maybe they didn't want certain things to be found?
    H) The Bush in Florida thing. Seems he didn't give a flying.
    I) The fact that the flight trainers who trained these Muslim fighters said that they couldn't fly well at all, yet an observer who was a trained airline captain said that the planes banked and turned like fighter jets - this is not an easy thing to do with such a large plane, not even for someone with decades of experience in flying. And you wanna tell me a bunch of Afghanis who could barely fly did this?
    J) Those planes were zooming about the skies for over an hour...but shortly before all this happened, a businessman lost contact with ground control over a much less densely populated part of Florida and he was escorted by fighters within a few minutes. Why couldn't they do this for those planes?
    K) Also, do you guys think that it's a coincidence that the plane that hit the Pentagon flew over it once first, turned around, and slammed into the far side? The side where all the lower-rank people worked? The side where the bigwigs, the powerful military dudes, WEREN'T WORKING IN???

    This whole 911 thing just smells so stinks to high heaven. God only knows what the people who orchestrated it wanted to do it for. From my research I've begun to formulate some tentative theorems as to why someone powerful might want to do something this tragic. It has to do with power. All those new laws and things that are just flying through Congress now...the Patriot Act...all that crap...all I can say is, right now I feel really sorry for anyone in America. Once you were the land of the free, but your freedom has been sold to Big Business and Big Oil

    Money speak all language very delicious, eh?

    I think the saddest, most heart-rending part to this whole message was the phone call that a family member received from someone just before the first plane hit.

    "They are being kind. They've told us we can phone our family and friends."

    "I don't know where we are."

    "I can see water and buildings and..."

    "OH MY GOD! OH MY GOD ---- static ------"

    I came *this* close to crying when I read that.

    The earlier in the forenoon you take the sun bath, the greater will be the beneficial effect, because you get more of the ultra-violet rays, which are healing. - The Golden Age

  • JeffT

    A) The airline stocks thing

    The democrats and the media want to fry Bush's ass. If there was a shred of evidence for this they'd be on it like flies on shit.

    E) Many people heard explosions and stuff after the planes hit. Big explosions. Sort of like demolition crews would cause.

    Pour 11,000 gallons of burning jet fuel into a confined space, guess what, you get explosions. I work in real estate. I've watched buildings being imploded. I watched the WTC come down on TV. Those were not controlled explosions

    F) One of the engineers said that the towers were designed for that sort of impact anyway and shouldn't have crumpled as neatly as they did..

    All the rest of them said they weren't. They were designed to take an airplane hit, but a much smaller plane. And no one can building something that can withstand that much burning fuel.

    And as a final note the planes involved were 757's and 767's, not 747's. The 57's and 67's are much newer planes with very advance electronic systems that make them much easier to fly. They are also smaller and easier to handle.

  • dubla


    B) The fact that the airplanes were flying so fast when they hit that they were almost shaking apart...
    just curious...was this report from someone inside the airplane?

    C) Boxcutters? Puh-leeze!
    exactly, i said, the actual hijackings were not that sophisticated at all. they took on board what they knew they could get on board without being stopped.

    D) Remote control circuitry that's been in jets like that for ages...
    could you elaborate on this? are you saying someone flew the planes by remote control? if so, this would seem to contradict your point "b".

    E) Many people heard explosions and stuff after the planes hit. Big explosions.
    really? all that highly explosive airplane fuel caused more than one explosion after impact? do tell.

    F) One of the engineers said that the towers were designed for that sort of impact anyway and shouldn't have crumpled as neatly as they did.
    indeed, they were designed for the impact....which is why you didnt see them topple for some time. unfortunately, what they werent designed for was the extreme temperatures caused by the burning airplane fuel. the temperature was so hot, it melted the steel reinforcement beams, causing the floors above the crash to come down.....the rest was a domino affect, on after another the floors crumbled under the weight of the falling top floors. the impact of the planes had little to do with the towers going down.

    G) Nobody but government officials was allowed to lookat the wreckage they carted away...fishy!
    i could be wrong, but i believe that is standard with all plane crashes.

    H) The Bush in Florida thing. Seems he didn't give a flying.
    youll have to elaborate here as well....are you saying that becuase bush was in florida at the time of the attacks, he is guilty of prior knowledge?

    I) The fact that the flight trainers who trained these Muslim fighters said that they couldn't fly well at all, yet an observer who was a trained airline captain said that the planes banked and turned like fighter jets -
    it is my understanding from the various articles ive read on this, that the in-air maneuvers were quite simple. the hardest tactics to learn with a jumbo jet are the takeoff and landing....but once they are in the air, a person with minimal flying skills can operate/turn one with little trouble.

    J) Those planes were zooming about the skies for over an hour...but shortly before all this happened, a businessman lost contact with ground control over a much less densely populated part of Florida and he was escorted by fighters within a few minutes.
    this sounds fabricated. do you know how many times pilots lose contact with ground control, only to be found after a crash? if it were so easy to locate a "businessman" who had lost contact, why wasnt jfk jr. located in the same way? he had lost contact for a considerable amount of time before they even started an official search. perhaps the jfk jr. crash was a white collar hit as well.

    "They are being kind. They've told us we can phone our family and friends."
    which plane did this one come from? im not belittling the phone conversation, it truly sounds just wondering which set of terrorists were "being kind". its my understanding that on most if not all of the flights attendants and flight crews were stabbed to death upon taking over the planes. a whole, this sounds like a lot more hooey if you asked me.....but if it werent for conspiracy theories, we wouldnt have larouche or yk, and god knows we need those two guys to predict our futures!


  • SYN

    No, the media are controlled by the government. Why are all the really racy news reports being squashed if they weren't? Because they're unpatriotic.

    And don't tell me that a lot of jet fuel was needed. The jet fuel exploded ONCE. Not several times.

    I just use the term 747 as a generic name for very large commercial planes. You also just glossed over all of my other points (you basically tackled my weaker arguments, and therefore think you've won.)

    Take my other arguments point by point! Come on, *you can do it!*

    The earlier in the forenoon you take the sun bath, the greater will be the beneficial effect, because you get more of the ultra-violet rays, which are healing. - The Golden Age

  • dubla
    And don't tell me that a lot of jet fuel was needed.

    these flights were to california, and loaded with jet fuel, which is precisely why the terrorists picked the fla. flights.

    The jet fuel exploded ONCE. Not several times.
    tell me youre not this naive.

    Take my other arguments point by point! Come on, *you can do it!*
    see my above post....although i did skip over point "k", as any conspiracy point dealing soley on the "coincidence" factor isnt worth tackling.


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