sorry, forgot all about this thread.
I'd love to know...and you still haven't replied to any of my remote control or on-board control circuitry responses.
maybe i wasnt clear enough. my reply to those responses is just that everything ive read and watched about the flights suggest that nothing those pilots did was very difficult for anyone with minimal flying experience. in other words, im sure the remote control circuitry could work, but what evidence is there of it being used here? none that i can see, save wild imaginations.
The fact that the planes nearly flew into each other suggests to me that they were, in fact, programmed to fly along certain routes, because two separate flight controller hardware sets would just have ignored the other plane.
it suggests to me that they werent real precise with their routes, and almost blew the whole thing. its really a mute point though, as you go on to say this:
The ones in NY weren't flown with any great degree of skill -
agreed....this is what i was saying all along.
Eyewitness accounts (thousands of people) say he executed a 360 degree turn and flew into the ground while accelerating. Why the hell would somebody do that? Surely the Taliban would have wanted to take out the side with all the top military commanders in it?
another poster suggested that they were in fact trying to target the white house and the pentagon was a secondary target....ive heard this theory as well, but who knows. you ask why would they fly into the ground? because theyre not a very good shot, which also backs up the fact it was indeed inexperienced pilots behind the controls.